Southeast Asia Legislative Advocacy Toolkit – Thailand At ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights

The region’s leaders are increasingly resorting to adopting laws that restrict fundamental freedoms. In this context, parliamentarians, through their legislative mandate, become an important shield against further erosion of human rights. MPs can repeal, or amend restrictive draft laws as they reach parliament.

To be able to engage them effectively, APHR and civil society organisations in Southeast Asia must be able to understand and know the parliamentary legislative process. However, the legislative system can seem complex to those unfamiliar with it and is perceived as overwhelming or intimidating to many who try to navigate it blindly.

That is why APHR is proposing to develop Legislative Advocacy Toolkits. These toolkits would help:

  • Assist civil society, advocates, and those who wish to engage with the legislative system in their efforts to promote human rights in Southeast Asia;
  • Enhance APHR and civil society’s capacity to support MPs to use their legislative mandate to promote human rights and democratic norms; and
  • Strengthen transparency and civic participation in legislative processes in Southeast Asia region.

APHR will first develop the Advocacy Legislative Toolkit for Thailand and Timor Leste.

Scope of Work :

APHR is looking for a consultant to conduct research in Thailand to better understand and unpack the legislative process there. The research will cover what is the legislative process, including the different stages a bill can go through, how to write an amendment, who can initiate a bill, what is the usual practice in the country, as well as effective entry points for law reform advocacy.

The research will be based on desk research, including a review of Constitutions, parliamentary rules and procedures, Speaker rulings, reports, and other relevant sources. Surveys, FDGs or interviews with MPs and MPs staff will also be done to ensure the research reflects the actual practices or conventions on the ground.

At the end of the research the consultant will produce a pedagogical and accessible report that explains the different steps in the legislative procedures and where MPs can intervene to either amend or repeal a law. The report will be presented as a practical and accessible tool for APHR and civil society partners.

Expected Outputs and Deliverables :

  1. Inception Meeting – Week of 18 October 2021
  2. First draft of the report – 15 November 2021
  3. Incorporation of APHR’s reviews and comments – November 2021
  4. Second draft of the report – 30 November 2021
  5. If needed, incorporation of APHR’s final reviews and comments – December 2021
  6. Production of the final report – 6 December 2021

The consultant will report to the Research and Advocacy Director and APHR’s Executive Director who will assist as much as possible the consultant in his/her work, including by helping the consultant identify MPs and MPs staff to interview for the research. They will also conduct review of the initial draft and provide inputs to be incorporated into the second and final drafts by the consultant.

Duration of Work :
October until first week of December

Duty Station :

Qualification of the Successful Contractor:

  • Experience of conducting human rights research and interviews.
  • Proven experience in drafting clear and strong knowledge of parliamentary processes and if possible previous experience in working in or with Parliament and/or MPs.
  • Previous ear and concise outputs for a broad and non-expert audience.
  • Strong command of written and spoken English.

How to apply

Applicants may submit the following requirements to with Subject heading “Legislative Toolkit Thailand Consultant” by Sunday 17 of October 2021:

  • Cover letter including why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment, and methodology, if applicable, on how they will approach and complete the assignment. Please also indicate your proposed consultancy fees.
  • Personal CV indicating all relevant past experience as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the candidate and at least three (3) professional references.
  • Writing sample of a briefer or report on a similar issue published for a broad and wide audience (avoid academic publications.)

ASEAN Nationals are encouraged to apply.

APHR is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified candidates of all genders from all national, religious, and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply.

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