Spécialiste Entreprenariat At Danish Refugee Council

Job Expired

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Titre de la position : Spécialiste Entreprenariat

Supervisée par : Capacity Strengthening Manager

Responsable hiérarchique technique : Coordinateur ECREC

Duty Station : Djohong avec mobilité à Garoua Boulai et Meiganga

Area of Operation : Régions de l’Adamaoua et Est, Cameroun.

Période considérée : 12 mois

Type de contrat : Contrat national (uniquement réservé aux ressortissants Camerounais)

Salary & Benefits : Niveau NM. G 2


Le Conseil Danois pour les Réfugiés (DRC) porte assistance aux réfugiés et aux personnes déplacées à travers le monde : nous fournissons une aide d’urgence à ces personnes, nous combattons pour leurs droits et nous renforçons leurs opportunités pour un meilleur futur. Nous travaillons dans des zones affectées par les conflits, ainsi que le long des routes de déplacements, et au sein des pays dans lesquels les réfugiés s’établissent. En coopération avec les communautés locales, nous nous efforçons d’atteindre des solutions responsables et durables. Nous travaillons pour une intégration réussie des communautés vulnérables et, lorsque cela est possible, à la réalisation de leur souhait de retour chez eux.

Le Conseil Danois pour les Réfugiés (DRC en sigle, pour Danish Refugee Council) a été fondé au Danemark en 1956 et est depuis devenu une organisation humanitaire internationale avec plus de 7,000 employés et de 8,000 volontaires. Ayant son siège établi à Copenhague, et présent dans 40 pays, le DRC est une organisation d’aide non gouvernementale, à but non-lucratif, politiquement neutre et indépendante et non-confessionnelle.

Notre vision est une vie avec dignité pour toutes les personnes déplacées dans le monde. Tous nos efforts reposent sur notre boussole morale : l’humanité, le respect, l’indépendance, la neutralité, la participation, l’honnêteté et la transparence.

  1. Contexte

Led by the regional office in Dakar and closely linked to interventions in neighboring Central African Republic (CAR), DRC began operations in Cameroon in 2018, responding to the humanitarian needs of CAR refugees and vulnerable Cameroonians in the Adamawa region. Currently, DRC operates a main office in Meiganga and two sub-offices in Djohong (Adamaoua region) and Garoua-Boulai (East region). In early 2019, DRC also initiated operations in the South-West region to provide assistance to meet the basic needs of populations in terms of food, shelter and protection in rural and hard-to-reach areas. DRC currently has an office in Buea and an office in Kumba in the South-West region. In 2023, DRC is initiating an intervention in the Logone-et-Chari department in the Far North with the priority of seeking solutions to the root causes of intercommunity conflicts through programming on peacebuilding and resilience. DRC is working with various local partners in Cameroon and is gradually increasing its financial support to Cameroonian civil society organizations. In 2024, DRC plans to expand its interventions in the Mayo Tsanaga Department in coordination with other humanitarian actors for a livelihood response for the most vulnerable refugees in the Minawao camp. In the Far North, DRC plans to open a base in Maroua, which will supervise the current base in Kousséri.

The project envisaged by DRC in the Adamaoua and East regions is aimed at Central African refugees as well as the host population. It aims to empower these refugees and local communities through the implementation of the graduation approach. For the implementation of this specific approach, DRC is recruiting an Entrepreneurship Specialist.

As the project is a consortium, the Entrepreneurship Specialist position will be hosted by the partner APROSPEN.

2. Purpose

Reporting directly to the Capacity Strengthening Manager, the Entrepreneurship Specialist plays a key role in implementing DRC’s economic recovery strategy in Cameroon and specifically in supporting beneficiaries in implementing income-generating activities in agricultural and livestock production that the projects intend to carry out for the benefit of beneficiaries in the Adamawa and East regions of Cameroon. He/she ensures that agricultural activities comply with DRC’s ECREC operational procedures and guidelines. Supervised by the Capacity Strengthening Manager, he/she works closely with the area manager and the ECREC coordinator at the national level. The agricultural specialist must be competent in agricultural production methods and provide technical support to project teams. He/she must also supervise and train teams and beneficiaries on agricultural production techniques.

3. Responsibilities

Support for the implementation of the DRC/APROSPEN consortium

  • Provide project teams with program tools and guidance notes to support and strengthen the quality of consortium activities.
    • Conduct regular field visits to monitor the quality of implementation, provide technical advice and conduct needs assessments to guide capacity building.
    • Support the adoption of agroecological and environmentally friendly production methodologies and techniques.
    • Ensure quality control of agricultural production activities, including monitoring of field activities with teams and community coaches.
    • Identify the needs and gaps of beneficiaries, project teams and APROSPEN in terms of production AGR in collaboration with the Capacity Strengthening manager and the DRC/APROSPEN project managers.

Capacity building

  • Assess training and development needs within the DRC/APROSPEN teams, develop a capacity building plan and implement it with the support of the ECREC coordinator, the project manager and the capacity building manager.
    • Develop a calendar and schedule of training, coaching and monitoring of activities.
    • Ensure capacity building of teams and beneficiaries on agricultural production techniques and the success of beneficiaries’ AGRs
    • Support information management needs, ensuring consistency, integrity and ongoing availability of data for decision making and project design.

Coordination and representation

  • Ensure coordination with other actors and project teams to respond to the specific or complementary needs of vulnerable communities.
    • Support project teams in mapping businesses and other local stakeholders specializing in the sale of local products
    • Participate in the development of MoUs with local structures or sales units
    • Appuyer les producteurs à développer leur chaine de valeur et de les mettre en relation avec les services des Chambre de Commerce d’industrie des Mines et de l’Artisanat Dd Cameroun et les réseaux des grossistes des produits agrosylvopastoraux.
    • Support project teams in organizing fairs and other activities for the exhibition and sale of local products
    • Help AVEC producers and groups to organize themselves into associations and/or federations
    • Provide support to the ECREC coordinator during cluster and coordination meetings.
    • Contribute to the development of monthly, quarterly and annual reports in conjunction with the PM.

    Technical support for DRC/APROSPEN teams

  • Provide technical assistance in the implementation of agro activities to DRC/APROSPEN project managers,
  • Participate in the technical review of the terms of reference for protection activities, ensuring that they are aligned with DRC standard operating procedures.
  • Contribute to the development of training modules for teams and beneficiaries.
  • Support the project manager in analyzing food security needs in the intervention area.

The Entrepreneurship Specialist is expected to perform any other tasks required by the Capacity Building Manager corresponding to his/her position.

4. Required qualifications

Technical skills and experiences:

  • Engineering degree (Bac +5) in Master’s degree in economics, social sciences, management, agroeconomics, development cooperation, or any other relevant field.
    • A good knowledge of the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Cameroon would be an advantage
    • Have practical knowledge in facilitating training for entrepreneurs and young people wishing to embark on entrepreneurship;
    • Have a good knowledge of the issues of supervising producer groups, incubators and their operation;
    • Have a good knowledge of the ecosystem of agricultural micro-project entrepreneurship;
    • Have a good knowledge of the environment of micro-enterprises in agricultural production and processing;
    • Ability to supervise and train teams and beneficiaries on agricultural production techniques.
    • Very good interpersonal and coordination skills
    • Good knowledge in planning, implementation and monitoring of humanitarian and development projects.
    • Proven experience of at least 4 years in capacity building and supporting agricultural producers, young people and women in entrepreneurship and networking with wholesalers and resellers;
    • Have experience in design, execution, market analysis, implementation of income generating activities;
    • Have (03) years of professional experience in the design, execution, market analysis, implementation of income-generating activities and support for producers and young people in entrepreneurship;
    • Experience in planning and conducting market analyses;
    • Experiences in capacity building of producers in conducting market analyses and simple marketing techniques
    • Have experience in analyzing production systems in terms of options for further processing/value addition and job and income creation for agricultural producers;
    • Have a good knowledge of access to financial services (savings and credits), platforms and institutions for regulating and facilitating financing of micro-projects and the network of wholesale traders of agro-sylvo-pastoral products in Cameroon
    • Experience in technical guidance, development and organization of participatory training and capacity building;
    • Experience in report writing, data/information analysis and monitoring and evaluation;
    • Strong information management skills including but not limited to database creation, use of server-based information collection tools, etc.;
    • Proven strong analytical and communication skills, representation, negotiation, advocacy and diplomacy;
    • Experience of working and living in a multicultural environment and traveling to conflict-affected areas;
    • Extensive experience in report writing and project development, excellent writing skills.


Complete professional mastery of French required.

Good level of English a plus.

Knowledge of the local language will be an asset (Fulfulde, Gbaya, Songo, etc.)

Main working relationships (internal and external):

  1. Zone Manager
  2. Capacity Building Manager
  3. Specialist in Agriculture
  4. Project Manager
  5. DRC Program Manager
  6. ECREC Coordinator
  7. Protection Coordinator
  8. APROSPEN Team

5. General regulations

The employee must follow DRC’s instructions regarding security, confidentiality and ethical guidelines, including the Code of Conduct and the Humanitarian Responsibility Framework

  • The employee must not carry out any other paid activity during the duration of the DRC contract without prior authorization.
  • The Employee shall not engage in any activity that may be detrimental to DRC or the implementation of any project during the term of the DRC contract.
  • The employee must not give interviews to the media or publish photos related to DRC programs or share other materials without receiving prior authorization.
  • The employee must return all equipment loaned by DRC to perform the work after the end of the contract period or upon request by DRC.

6. Skills and qualities required

In this role, you must demonstrate the five essential DRC skills, namely:

  • Striving for Excellence  : You focus on achieving results while ensuring an efficient process. You strive to produce accurate, thorough and professional work with optimal use of time and effort.
    • Collaborate  : You cooperate with and engage stakeholders, actively seeking their opinions and sharing key information with them. You support and trust others, while encouraging feedback.
    • Taking the Lead  : You take responsibility and prioritize your work based on DRC’s overall vision and goals. You take the initiative when faced with a challenge or opportunity and seek innovative solutions.
    • Communicate  : You write and speak effectively and honestly while adapting your style and tone to the situation. You actively listen to others and involve them in dialogue.
    • Demonstrate Integrity:  You uphold and promote the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct in relation to DRC’s values ​​and code of conduct, including protection from sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment.

Also, the entrepreneurship specialist must have:

  • Ability to work in a multicultural and cosmopolitan environment;
  • Ability to work in a tense security environment;
  • Proactivité, avec une approche coopérative et collaborative ;
  • Excellent communication skills (including attention and patience) are required;
  • Good organizational skills are required;
  • Exemplary sense of ethics;
  • Capacité à travailler en équipe et bon sens de l’humour.

How to apply

7. Processus de candidature

If you are interested, then apply online via the link:  www.drc.dk/about-drc/vacancies/currentvacancies .

Applications can only be made online, on the website indicated above. You must upload your CV (3 pages maximum) and a cover letter online. The CV and cover letter can be in French or English.

Les candidatures réalisées par voie postale, par envoi de courrier électronique ou par dépôt d’un dossier physique ne seront pas considérées.

DRC provides equal employment opportunities and prohibits any practice of discrimination based on race, sex, color, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, age, marital status or any situation of disability. DRC does not practice any discrimination in its recruitment processes.

Applications will close on October 21, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Cameroon time. Applications received after this date will not be considered.

However, it is possible for DRC to begin the recruitment process before the end of the publication of the offer if an application meets the expectations and requirements of the position.

  • This job has expired!
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