Strategic Review of the Civil Service for Peace program in Central America At Bread for the World

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1 Service description
1.1 Brot für die Welt
Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) is the development aid organisation of the regional and free Protestant churches in Germany. In more than 90 countries, the organisation helps local organisations to support the collaborative efforts of vulnerable people to improve their living conditions. The strategic thematic areas of work supported by Brot für die Welt are overcoming poverty and food security, adaptation to climate change and support for environmentally sustainable approaches, human rights, gender justice, promoting youth leadership, and strengthening access to digital change. Through outreach, public relations and educational activities in Germany and Europe, we seek to influence political decisions for the benefit of the target groups with whom our partner organisations engage and to raise awareness of the need to strengthen sustainable approaches to life and business.
Brot für die Welt contributes financially, staff participation, expert advice and scholarships to churches, Christian organisations and other private sponsors around the world to promote the building of just societies, the implementation of campaigns against discrimination based on origin, gender and religious belief and to help people around the world living in need and poverty, whose dignity and human rights are violated, threatened or currently affected by wars or other catastrophes.
You can find more information about the work of Brot für die Welt at: .
1.2 Background
The Civilian Peace Service (CPS) is a programme that promotes violence prevention and peace-promoting approaches in crisis and conflict regions. A key element of the CPS is the provision of qualified cooperating persons to support local partner organisations in their commitment to promoting dialogue around human rights and peace. Since 2021, Brot für die Welt (hereinafter BfdW) has been implementing a regional programme in Central America within the framework of the Civil Peace Service. This programme, entitled “Promoting conflict resolution mechanisms and creating perspectives for migrants and vulnerable groups”, is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), specifically by a special refuge and host country initiative (SIGA).
The SCP programme has three thematic focuses: (1) operationalisation of international agreements on migration, (2) changing narratives on human mobility, and (3) positive conflict transformation and has a regional character, including organisations from Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. The SCP programme currently supports ten organisations. In autumn 2025, Brot für die Welt will submit a funding application to the BMZ for a second phase (2026-2028).
1.3 Objective of the assignment
The strategic review of BfdW’s SCP Programme for Central America will contribute as an input to the design process of a second phase of the programme in Central America. The report of the current strategy review should include an analysis based on interviews with partner organisations and in cooperation with other people who are knowledgeable about peace work and positive conflict transformation in Central America.
1.4 Participants involved
The commissioned study will be supported by the BfdW team that supports the programme both from the BfdW headquarters in Berlin and from the region. The programme is supported from headquarters by one person as a programme officer (main person in charge), one person as a project officer (responsible for financial and administrative issues), one person in programme coordination (liaison for programme support in the region) and two support positions (one in Berlin and one in the region). The results of the study will be shared with the partner organisations. This task will be part of the consultancy (see planned activities).
Contact details and persons to be interviewed will be provided by Anna Brunner who will be primarily responsible for supporting the study in her role as coordinator of the SCP programme in Central America.
1.5 Purpose of the service provision
The persons offering the consultancy service will present a proposal for the design of a second phase of the BfdW SCP programme in Central America (2026 – 2028). A description of a participatory process is required, which includes both the development of (virtual) interviews with the organizations participating in this program, as well as the facilitation of a (face-to-face) workshop. The consultancy report must consider the following guiding questions:
a. What are the strengths and opportunities of the program that can be enhanced? What is the added value of the SCP program considering the diversity of areas and territories of intervention, but also the existence of other networks and alliances?
b. What are the weaknesses and threats, especially in the face of the decrease in available funds, that must be addressed through cooperation between the partner organizations of the program?
c. What recommendations can be made for the objectives of a next phase?
d. What aspects of the program need to be strengthened (and how?) to better respond to the needs identified by the partner organizations or to increase the impacts of the program?
e. The SCP is a program for conflict transformation / peacebuilding. What types of conflicts does the program address and could it address? What contributions to conflict transformation does it provide and what others could be favored?
f. What recommendations can be made to the program’s support team, in order to strengthen the configuration and the assurance of synergies and thus, consolidate opportunities for the program in Central America?
g. Can profiles of cooperators be identified that could lead to ensuring possible synergies between organizations, especially in view of the prospect of having fewer financial resources for the program in the future?
1.5.1 Activities to be carried out
a. Presentation of a work plan and schedule:
This work plan will be based mainly on coordination conversations with the SCP program coordinator and will take into account key dates indicated in point 1.5.3
b. Reading of relevant documentation on the planning and implementation of the program:
The program coordinator will make relevant information available such as:
• Pre-studies of the program: “Conflicts – Causes of Migration and Forced Displacement in Central America” and “National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in the promotion and protection of the human rights of migrants and displaced persons in Central America and Mexico” (both 2020)
• Program proposal
• Proposals and annual reports of partner organizations
• Report of the three annual meetings held within the framework of the program
• Regional mapping of organizations working on the topic of conflict transformation
c. Submission of an interview script:
The interview script must take into account the expected results and topics of interest expressed under 1.5 and point f below.
d. Scheduling and conducting interviews:
Interviews can be conducted virtually. The SCP coordinator will support the consultant team in introducing interviewees (and vice versa). In addition to the current partner organisations, interviews should be considered with representatives of the German embassies in the respective countries and other NGOs with relevant experience in the programme topics.
e. Session with the BfdW team on findings and recommendations:
The session will give the BfdW team an initial insight into the approaches to the recommendations and provide feedback on points to be further developed and prioritised in the report.
f. Writing a report of max. 20 pages based on a structure agreed with BfdW:
The report should refer to the guiding questions mentioned in the previous point and include strategic recommendations on the following points:
• the needs of the partner organisations
• priority issues to be taken into account for a next phase
• strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of the programme in its current composition
• the use of synergies between the partner organisations of the programme
g. Facilitation of a face-to-face workshop with the SCP partners:
To ensure that the voices and perceptions of the partner organisations can be adequately reflected, the results of the report are planned to be presented during the annual meeting of the SCP programme in person. For this purpose, a meeting will be organised with the BfdW team to present and coordinate the methodology and details. The annual meeting of the programme is planned for 16-18 June in El Salvador (location yet to be determined). A half-day space will be reserved during the three days of the meeting.
h. Delivery of the final report
The final report should include feedback given to the preliminary report by the BfdW team and the reflections of the partners during the workshop at the partner meeting.
1.5.2 Particular characteristics
Given the sensitivity of the topics to be discussed, measures regarding confidentiality, registration and storage of data should be agreed upon.
1.5.3 Scope of service
The offer should include a confirmation of the days of advice needed to cover all the required activities. The offer should include all expenses related to the realization of the activities to be carried out. This also includes travel to the national meeting in El Salvador. Accommodation and food during the workshop to be carried out will be covered by BfdW.
1.5.4 Place of execution/ Travel
Most activities can be carried out remotely. The planned face-to-face workshop with the counterparts to reflect on the results of the strategic review will be held in El Salvador at a location accessible from the capital and/or the international airport.
1.6 Commissioning period and timeframe
Service or activity Estimated time required (number of days) Period of execution
(e.g. month/year)
Presentation of a work plan and schedule 1 March 2025
Reading of relevant documentation on programme planning and implementation 1.5 March 2025
Presentation of an interview script 0.5 March 2025
Scheduling and conducting interviews 5 April 2025
Session with the BfdW team on findings and recommendations 0.5 May 2025
Writing of a report of max. 20 pages based on a structure agreed with PPM. 2 May 2025
Presentation of a plan for an in-person workshop with SCP programme partners 0.5 May 2025
Facilitation of the in-person workshop with SCP Central America partners during the annual meeting in El Salvador 1 June 2025
Delivery of the final report 2 June 2025
Total 14 March – June 2025
If it becomes apparent to the consultant that the estimated time required is insufficient, or that the agreed execution period cannot be met, the consultant shall inform the client without delay and agree with the client on a course of action.
1.7 Reporting
The contractor shall prepare an interim report in May 2025 as described in the activities and a final report on the services and activities. It shall be submitted in digital format to the advised organization and the client within 30 days of completion of the service.
The report includes at least the following components:
• Summary
• Description of the service process/consulting process (activities performed, methods used, persons involved; deviations from planning must be explained)
• Description of the service provided and achievement of objectives
• Factors that were favorable to performance and achievement of goals and those that hindered it
• Conclusions and recommendations
The consultant must report separately on special incidents.
The consultant declares that he/she is willing to hold an evaluation meeting if requested by the client.
1.8 Requirements for the execution of the assignment/ Necessary qualifications
The consultant(s) must meet the following requirements. The requirements marked as minimum must be met without fail. Bidders who do not meet this requirement will not be admitted to the technical examination:
• Have professional training in social sciences.
• Have work experience in Latin America, preferably in Central America.
• Show work experience in project evaluation or strategic reviews.
• Have a command of Spanish.
The following requirements will be taken into account favorably:
• Have experience in human mobility and human rights/conflict transformation.
• Have a command of German.
• Have knowledge of German cooperation, including the Civil Peace Service program.
1.9 Other requirements
The assignment is expected to be carried out taking into account gender equality, impact and target group orientation, as well as sustainability criteria.

How to apply

2 Application conditions
2.1 General
2.1.1 Contact person and inquiries
Evangelisches Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung e. V.
Brot für die Welt
Mr./Mrs. Anna Brunner
Department PZG
Contact person Programme coordinator SCP
Caroline-Michaelis-Straße 1
10115 Berlin
Email for inquiries (applications must be sent to the address below):
Questions must be sent by email to the contact person. For questions that are not submitted at the latest 5 calendar days before the end of the tender period, a timely response cannot be guaranteed. Questions that are also relevant for other bidders will be made available to all of them anonymously by email together with the response.
2.1.2 Type of procedure
The contract will be awarded in accordance with the specifications of the procedures for the award of supplies and services for grant recipients of the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ / Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development) on the basis of the Unterschwellenvergabeordnung (UVgO / German Code for Public Procurement with Subthreshold Values):
Several tenderers, usually at least three, will be asked to submit a written tender.
If necessary, negotiations with the tenderers will be carried out, but the tenderers are not entitled to do so. The contractor reserves the right to award the contract without prior negotiation.
The contractor will not pay for the preparation of the tender. If the tender is not considered and/or there is no interest in submitting a tender, we kindly ask you to send a corresponding message to the contact person mentioned above as soon as possible, stating the reasons as much as possible.
2.1.3 Tendering documents
The tendering documents consist of:
– Invitation to tender
– Model contract
– Terms of payment
General terms and conditions of contract or delivery or other conditions of the contractor which deviate from those specified in the tendering documents are excluded. They shall not apply in the event of receipt of the order even if they are attached to the tender.
2.1.4 Tendering consortia
A tendering consortium is an association of two or more individual tenderers who submit a joint tender. In the case of a tendering consortium, an authorised representative must be appointed. The authorised member shall represent the tendering consortium in a legally binding manner vis-à-vis the contracting party. Each member of the tendering consortium shall be jointly liable for the fulfilment of contractual obligations even after its dissolution. The distribution of tasks within the tendering consortium shall be laid down in the tender.
2.1.5 Subcontractors
If necessary, the tenderer may also use third parties for the performance of the contract and have them perform services or parts of services. If the tenderer uses subcontractors, this must be stated in the tender. The contracting party reserves the right to request information about the subcontractor (e.g. about its suitability). The contractor shall also be liable to the principal for the provision of services in accordance with the contract when using subcontractors.
2.1.6 Data protection within the scope of the award procedure
The tenderer agrees that the personal data provided by him/her will be processed and stored for the purpose of the award procedure.
When transmitting personal data as part of the award procedure by the tenderer (e.g. own employees, designated contact persons for reference suppliers), the obligation to provide information in accordance with Art. 13 Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO/General Data Protection Regulation) or Art. 17 DSG-EKD (Church Act on Data Protection of the Evangelical Angelic Church) must be observed, i.e. the employees concerned must be informed accordingly and their consent must be obtained for the processing of their personal data in connection with the submission of the tender.
When a contract is concluded, the contractor must sign a data protection declaration.
2.1.7 Sanctions list check
Based on international guidelines [UN Resolution No. 1390 (2002), UN Resolution No. 1373 (2001), UN Resolution No. 2253 (2015), EC Regulation No. 881/2002, EC Regulation No. 2580/2001, EU Regulation No. 2016/1686 and EU Regulation No. 2017/1390 with numerous amendments] funds may not be paid to recipients who are on the sanctions list of the European Union and/or the United Nations and, in the case of transactions in US dollars, of the United States. The implementation of appropriate security measures is mandatory.
Consequently, Brot für die Welt will carry out verification measures with all contractual counterparties against the existing sanctions lists of the European Union and the United Nations and, where applicable, the United States, in order to prevent financial resources from being paid to persons or organizations listed on the aforementioned sanctions lists.
2.2 Bids
2.2.1 Form and content
The bid must be prepared in English and must not exceed 20 pages in length. The bid must be submitted electronically in text form. A natural person authorized to represent the bidder, a contact person for enquiries and full contact information must be specified.
A complete bid consists of:
a) Documents for assessing suitability:
1. Brief description of the company (including number of employees and structure, legal form, head office and other locations, main areas of specialization and activity) or brief description of the applicant (with presentation of specialization and main areas of activity, including linguistic/regional experience).
2. List with at least two references of comparable services performed in the last three years, indicating the client, invoice value and period of execution. The references must demonstrate that the tenderer has already performed comparable services.
Additional information if applicable:
3. Declaration on the intended use of subcontractors with a precise description of the parts of the service to be undertaken by the subcontractor
4. Bidding consortia shall submit a legally binding declaration signed by all members of the bidding consortium declaring that each member of the bidding consortium is jointly and severally liable for the contractual provision of the service and that the authorised representative of the bidding consortium represents the listed members in a legally binding manner vis-à-vis the contractor and is in particular authorised to submit the tender and to accept payment in respect of each member.

(b) Content proposal
1. Designation of the project team to be assigned to provide the services, including details of the qualifications, expertise and experience of the staff, including language and regional knowledge, as well as informative CVs in tabular form.
2. Application concept in relation to the services described in the service description with a methodological approach
. 3. Sufficiently detailed indication of a work plan, with deadlines, milestones and resources.
(c) Financial proposal
1. Indication of the daily rate in EUR per person, taking into account what is specified in the payment conditions (Annex 2).
2. Estimated total fee with full breakdown of days per employee.
3. Estimated travel and other costs incurred.
The fee includes remuneration and other incidental costs (see clause 6 Payment conditions). In the case of contractors established abroad, the fees shall in principle include all local and national taxes and fees (including value added tax or similar types of taxes). For contractors based in Germany, the net price must be stated. Travel time will be remunerated at half the agreed service rate. Meal and travel expenses will not be reimbursed. The specifications for pricing are defined in the payment conditions (Annex 2).
The number of days/trips/workshops/etc. and the budget amount are agreed in the contract as “up to” amounts. According to the contract, the contractor is not entitled to use the entire budget if this is not necessary for the purpose of the service provision.
2.2.2 Deadline for tendering and submission of tenders
Please send your complete tender with the subject “Strategic review SCP Central America programme” by 18.02.2025 in PDF format by e-mail to:
The binding period for the tender is: 18.04.2025

Brot für die Welt must receive the complete documentation before the end of the deadline for submission of tenders. Brot für die Welt reserves the right to request missing or incomplete documents. The tenderer shall not be entitled to any additional claims. 2.3
Proof of suitability and award of contract
2.3.1 Proof of suitability
The suitability of the tenderer shall be assessed on the basis of the following criteria:
• Main areas of activity/competence
• References
• Economic performance
2.3.2 Award of contract
The contract is awarded to the most advantageous tender. This is determined using the award criteria price (30) percent and quality (70) percent.

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