Desired start date: 15/09/2021
Duration of the mission: 3 months
Location: Khartoum and other field locations to be determined

Following heavy fighting between the Tigrayan Forces (TPLF) and the Ethiopian Armed Forces (EAF), many Ethiopians fled the hostilities and sought refuge in eastern Sudan. In response to this Ethiopian refugee crisis, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL has decided to restart its activities in Soudan where it was operational in the past. SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL sent an Emergency Response Team end of 2020 and started a WASH response in 2021. Today there are more than 50,000 refugees, most of whom are located in:

Hamdayet (main entry zone)’s registration refugee area on the border between Eritrea, Sudan and Ethiopia where refugees are then transferred to designated camps;
Village 8, a partially abandoned village where thousands of refugees have settled or transited;
Umm Rakuba, located south of Gedaref, this camp was designated by the authorities to host 25 000 refugees, more than 15 000 refugees have already arrived;
Tunaydbah, a second refugee camp designated by the authorities, 21 000 refugees will be relocated there once Umm Rakuba will have reached its limits. The rainy season renders Tunaydbah’s access difficult. The site is moreover far from ideal to install infrastructures due to soil’s specificities.
SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL has chosen to implement its WASH activities (water trucking, latrines, showers, hygiene kits, hygiene promotion and desludging) in the camp of Tunaydbah**.**

SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL also aims at implementing WASH in health projects (rehabilitation of sanitation and water supply infrastructures of health centers) in different Sudanese cities and villages located in Gedaref State including Tunaydbah village, Basunda, Village 8 and Showak.

Since SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL has just reopened its mission in Sudan, Gedaref is its only base for the moment with no Coordination Team except from the Country Director. The mission is about to secure a budget around 1M euros for the base.

General Objectives:
Set aside its first emergency responses to the Ethiopian refugee crisis, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL is now willing to further develop its Sudanese mission and plans to assess the global country’s humanitarian situation in its areas of expertise: water, sanitation and hygiene. SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL (SI) is therefore looking for an Emergency Coordinator to conduct under the supervision of the Country Director (CD) an analysis of the mission’s next priorities for development.

Specific tasks and priorities:**

1. Strategic positioning**

Participation to national coordination fora
Participation and contribution to discussions, workshops and any event related to RRM in Sudan
Interview and discussions with national authorities in Khartoum
Secondary data review
Analysis of donor landscape and funding opportunities under the CD supervision
Meeting with all relevant actors at national level that can orientate SI strategic positioning in Sudan
Strategic paper drafting for SI including problematic, areas, sectors and partnerships to be explored
2. Exploratory missions and need assessments

Interview and discussions with state and local authorities in the selected areas of exploration
Interview and discussions with key humanitarian partners in the selected areas of exploration
Field visit in the relevant State capital(s) in order to analyse the humanitarian needs, the humanitarian response and the gaps
Multi-sectorial need assessments in the selected areas
Draft ToRs if need for technical support
Discussion with local stakeholders and communities to understand the needs
Determination of SI’s partnership strategy: who, where, on which problematic
Draft of exploratory mission reports, including need assessments
Contribute to proposal drafting for project in new areas explored
Below is a list of the deliverables expected from this mission (to be defined more precisely during the mission):

Strategic paper
Gap analysis table
RRM in Sudan – follow up tool
Exploratory mission reports for two selected states
Proposals if required

Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalent) in International Relations, International Development, Humanitarian Studies, WASH, Logistics, or other related sectors

4 to 6 years of professional experience, including 2 to 3 years minimum in the humanitarian environment
2 years of experience as Field Coordinator, Program or WASH Coordinator or Emergency Coordinator
2 years of experience in conflict and post-conflict contexts
Previous experience in security and access analysis required

Ability to collect, manage and filter extensive amounts of information in real time
Ability to develop quick and intuitive analysis
Capacity to provide clear and well documented strategies
Demonstrated networking capacity, including with national key stakeholders
Ability and willingness to evolve in very fast paced environments and insecure contexts
Strong synthesis and information dissemination skills
Capacity to manage a multi-technical team
Language: English mandatory and Arabic is a plus**

A salaried post: According to experience, starting from 2400 euros gross per month (+ 10% annual leave allowance paid monthly) and a monthly Per Diem of 750 USD.

SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL also covers accommodation costs and travel expenses between the expatriate’s country of origin and the place of assignment.

Social and medical cover: Expatriates benefit from an insurance package which reimburses all healthcare expenses (including medical and surgical expenses, dental care and ophthalmological expenses, repatriation) and a welfare system including war risks. Essential vaccination and antimalarial treatment costs are refunded.
How to apply
Does this description fit you? Please send us your CV and Cover letter in English via this link: CV only applications will not be considered.

NB: The vacancy may close before the deadline. Thank you for your comprehension

For further information about Solidarités International, please consult our website:

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