Support to the African Union Commission on the Drafting of Continental Guidelines on Return, Readmission and Reintegration (RRR) At Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Invitation to Bid

Reference No: 83378691

1. Context

Migration has been on the rise in the past decade, with an increase of 2,4% in the international stock of migrants between 2000 and 2017. With the rising trends of international migration, return migration, be it voluntary or forced, has gained increasing attention. Africa has been witnessing high levels of intra-regional returns, with inter-regional returns taking place predominantly from the Middle-East & North Africa to the West & Central Africa and East & Horn of Africa; and from Southern Africa to the East & Horn of Africa. As a response to current patterns of migration in Africa, and in line with Agenda 2063, the African Union has adopted a set of policy responses on migration management which all highlight the need and importance to address return migration as well as reintegration in dignified and sustainable ways. In addition to the existing policy responses, there is need for a consensus between African Member States on the principles and the approaches to be applied to ensure sustainable return, readmission and reintegration (RRR) of migrants. It is in this context that the AUC, with the support of GIZ, is requesting Consultancy services to support the drafting process for Continental Guidelines on Return, Readmission and Reintegration of migrants in Africa.

2. Objectives

The global objective of the consultancy is to support the AUC in the drafting of Continental Guidelines on Return, Readmission and Reintegration of migrants in Africa. The continental guidelines will address standards and procedures for the return, readmission and sustainable reintegration of economic migrants as well as refugees and IDPs in mixed migration situations (depending on specific challenges identifies). The specific objectives of the study are to:

a. Document existing lessons learnt, success factors, recommendations for return, readmission and sustainable reintegration of migrants,

b. Assess the challenges faced for return and sustainable reintegration of IDPs and refugees in mixed migration situations and if any, propose solutions to address the situation,

c. In consultation with MS and RECs, and based on the documentary analysis and the outcomes of the field assessment, draft continental guidelines on RRR with standards and procedures regarding:

o Legal and policy frameworks,

o Operational processes for return, readmission and reintegration of targeted groups of migrants

o Programme design, funding, implementation and monitoring and evaluation,

o Institutional coordination,

o Framework conditions for interstate and interregional cooperation.

d. Facilitate review and technical validation of the draft guidelines by AU Member States and RECs.

3. Tasks to be performed by the contractor

The scope of work for the Consultant will encompass the following:

a. Inception discussions with the AUC and GIZ to clarify the objectives and expected outcomes of the process, the scope of the consultancy, as well as the draft outline of the guidelines

b. Desk review of relevant documentation[1] on

o existing lessons learnt, success factors, recommendations for return, readmission and sustainable reintegration of migrants

o Possible challenges in return, readmission and reintegration of IDPs and refugees in mixed migration situations

c. Consultations with MS[2], RECs and key stakeholders on key elements of the draft guidelines (including the need to address any challenge related to RRR of IDPs and refugees in mixed migration situations and possible solutions)

d. Only upon request and approval from the AUC and GIZ, field visits and interviews in maximum 2 selected complex mixed migration hubs[3] in Africa, and maximum 2 reintegration areas in order assess the challenges faced for return and reintegration of IDPs and refugees in mixed migration situation and propose solutions to address the situation

e. Based on desk review, field visits and consultations with MS, RECs and other key stakeholders, drafting of continental guidelines on RRR with:

o Recommendations for the formulation of RRR policies and legal frameworks,

o Standards and procedures for the design, funding, implementation and monitoring & evaluation of RRR programmes

o Standards and procedures for reintegration support to returnees

o Recommendations for institutional coordination

o Recommendations on framework conditions for interstate and interregional cooperation.

f. Submission of first draft to the AUC for review and incorporation of comments

g. Presentation of second draft during an independent experts’ meeting and incorporation of comments and recommendations

h. Presentation of third draft during the technical validation meeting for AU MS and RECs

i. Finalisation of guidelines based on recommendations and submission of final draft.

4. Number of work days and period of assignment

  • Number of work days: 50
  • Flexible work days (each of them only to be used upon request and approval by GIZ): 10
  • Overall maximum number of work days: 60.
  • Period of assignment: From 1 June 2021 until 30 October 2021.

5. Personnel concept and qualifications

Short-term expert pool with minimum 2, maximum 3 members

Qualifications of the short-term expert pool

  • Education/training (2.6.1): (minimum) 2 experts with university qualification (German ‘Diplom’/Master) in migration, development studies, social sciences, law or any related field,
  • Language (2.6.2): experts with very good language skills in English, good language skills in French is required. Ability to speak other AU official languages will be an added advantage;
  • General professional experience (2.6.3): experts with excellent understanding of contemporary politics and dynamics particularly in regard to migration governance and specifically on RRR, as well as interactions between Africa and other regions of the world on the matter; (minimum) 2 experts with strong ability to interact with senior officials (Government officials and representatives of multilateral and bilateral agencies)
  • Specific professional experience (2.6.4): (minimum) 1 expert with at least ten years’ experience in policy advice and formulation; (minimum) 1 expert with at least 7 years of experience in the field of RRR, preferably in Africa; (minimum) 1 expert with previous experience in drafting AU and/or RECs legal and policy documents;
  • Regional experience (2.6.5): 2 experts with at least 5 years of international experience with a focus on Africa (region),
  • Other (2.6.7): Previous working experiences with the AUC and RECs on migration/RRR related topics, Experience in similar assignments would be an added advantage.

Before submitting any bid, interested bidders should collect further bidding documents listed down by contacting the e-mail address:

• Invitation letter

• Technical evaluation criteria’s

• Bid sheet

• GIZ General terms and conditions local/international

How to apply

The consulting firm will be required to submit a technical and financial offer. The financial offer should list the daily fees charged for this retainer contract. Please note that this should not be specific to the task required, as a variety of tasks (as listed above) will have to be performed throughout the contract duration. The technical offer should include the approach taken by the consulting firm and showcase its previous work in the areas listed above.

All bids must be delivered/submitted via email at before 4:30 pm Ethiopian time on Thursday, 29thof April 2021. All bids must include a full technical and financial offer. Technical and financial offers have to be submitted in a separate folder.

GIZ – Support to the AU on Migration and Displacement Project reserves the right to cancel the bid fully or partially.

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