Title: Team Leader (focus on GBV, SEA, SH)
Country: Mozambique
Duty Station: Maputo
Publication date: 19/12/2023
Closing Date: 31/12/2023
Period: 24 months
Starting Date: June 2024 (provisional)
Language poroficiency: Fluency in English and Portuguese, spoken and written.
Reporting to:
Program Director (1st supervisor)
Country Representative (2nd supervisor)
Main objective: lead a multisectoral team to ensure compliance with social safeguards standards with an emphasis on preventing and mitigating the risks of Gender-Based Violence, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (GBV/SEA/SH) in Project implementation sites.
Specific duties:
- Management and coordination of project activities
- Together with the project team, planning and development of activities in the field
- Support in the supervision and verification of administrative and procurement procedures
- Coordination of activities with respect to the schedule defined by the chronogram
- Drafting, revision and updating of technical documents such as: ToR, Financing Proposals, General Operational Plans etc.
- Development of relations with local partners and stakeholders involved in the project (institutions, donor, community)
- Preparation of interim and final, narrative and accounting reports of the project to the donor and competent authorities
- Support for verifying the correctness of the administrative reporting of project expenses
- Coordination of monitoring activities
Essential Requirement:
- Master’s degree in Public Health, Sociology, Anthropology or related areas.
- At least ten (10) years of proven consecutive experience in managing complex programs to prevent, respond to and mitigate the GBV/SEA/SH risks and violence against women in Mozambique or Sub-Saharan Africa, including principles related to ethical management and confidentiality of sensitive data from GBV survivors or incidents.
- Fluency in English and Portuguese, spoken and written.
- Proven experience in designing and implementing reference instruments for the prevention, response and mitigation of GBV/SEA/SH risks.
- Experience in programming and managing teams dedicated to GBV/SEA/SH risk prevention and mitigation programs in the transport sector.
- Experience in monitoring, evaluating and strengthening the capacity building of teams specialized in responding to the needs of SEA/SH survivors.
- Solid experience implementing the Survivor-Centered Approach to GBV.
- Skills in facilitating awareness-raising sessions for different target groups on matters of prevention and mitigation of GBV/SEA/SH risks.
- Experience in counseling and psychosocial support matters will be an advantage.
- Experience in male involvement in combating violence against women and girls is an advantage;
- Proven and prolonged experience in conducting qualitative research on matters of prevention and mitigation of GBV/SEA/SH risks in urban environments.
Previous work experience in the international cooperation sector in Africa or Mozambique is an asset
How to apply
Please go on our Website Avsi.org and apply.