Tender document for the evaluation of the DEC Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal, Islamic Relief Turkey, October 2024 .Ref. No. Consult 08NOV24- HQ0202124 At Islamic Relief

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About İslamic Relief Türkiye:
İslamic Relief Türkiye (Uluslararası İslami Yardım Vakfı “UİYV”) is an international aid and
development charity, which aims to alleviate the suffering of the world’s poorest people. It is an
independent Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) found in Turkey in 2018.
As well as responding to disasters and emergencies, İslamic Relief Türkiye promotes sustainable
economic and social development by working with local communities – regardless of race, religion
or gender.
Our vision:
Inspired by our Islamic faith and guided by our values, we envisage a caring world where
communities are empowered, social obligations are fulfilled, and people respond as one to the
suffering of others.
Our mission:
Exemplifying our Islamic values, we will mobilize resources, build partnerships, and develop local
capacity, as we work to:
Enable communities to mitigate the effect of disasters, prepare for their occurrence and respond by
providing relief, protection and recovery.
Promote integrated development and environmental custodianship with a focus on sustainable
Support the marginalized and vulnerable to voice their needs and address root causes of poverty.
We allocate these resources regardless of race, political affiliation, gender or belief, and without
expecting anything in return.
İslamic Relief Türkiye endeavours to work closely with local communities, focusing on capacitybuilding
and empowerment to help them achieve development without dependency.
İslamic Relief Türkiye (Uluslararası İslami Yardım Vakfı “UİYV”) is based in Istanbul, from where
we are providing support and aid to the Syrian people inside Syria.
İslamic Relief Türkiye is sending more life-saving aid supplies to Syria in response to the
escalating conflict and mounting numbers of casualties.
The expected outcomes of this project are to provide a healthy and safe environment for the local
community and the displaced, and to facilitate their access to their places of residence.
This activity is part of a major emergency relief and development program that has now provided millions
of pounds worth of assistance to the people of Syria. Food, non-food, shelter, medicines and medical
devices have been delivered deep inside Syria in recent months, and people in dire need have now been
able to gain steady access to lifesaving services. People in need of humanitarian aid have now received
assistance, food, shelter, clean water and other services.

Scop of Work:

1- Assessing the extent to which planned outputs and outcomes have been achieved using the OECD
DAC criteria for evaluating humanitarian responses: relevance, coherence, effectiveness,
efficiency, impact and sustainability.

2- Evaluating the appropriateness and extent of application of various guidelines, standards and
protocols e.g. clusters, task forces, working groups, IASC and other local and international
guidelines and standards e.g. CHS, SPHERE, LEGS and MERS etc.
3- Identifying lessons and good practices from the project to inform Relief Türkiye’s future regarding
the Humanitarian response and early recovery activities (livelihood sector).


The scope of the evaluation should cover the various activities funded through DEC Phase 1 and
Phase 2 allocations. The geographical scope of the evaluation includes Southern Turkey and
northwest Syria (NWS).
The technical scope of the evaluation is to:
1- Examine the response’s relevance and appropriateness, with specific reference to the design of the
project and the progress in achieving the planned objectives (i.e. the outcomes and outputs).
2- Uncover the gaps in provision or unintended positive or negative impacts and provide commentary
on the primary and secondary effects of the intervention, along with any direct and indirect
contributions, including changes to the policy and political environment.
3- Analyze the coherence with other actors and the extent of engagement and collaboration with
stakeholders, and the strategic linkages made.
4- Review the effectiveness (financial and programmatic) and efficiency of the mode of operation.
5- Examine the strategic value addition and distinctive contribution of IRW and İslamic Relief
6- Identifying lessons learned and good practices, improving current operations and marking the way
forward for future programming.

The successful team will have the following competencies:
1- Demonstrate evidence of experience in evaluating humanitarian action/ early recovery and
development projects and programs.
2- Possess sectoral experience and knowledge in evaluating Humanitarian response and early
recovery activities and the related sectors including NFI, FSL, CVA, and livelihood, and good
knowledge for all relevant technical guidelines for such a complex context.
3- Possess deep knowledge and practical experience in using quality standards such as CHS and
4- Possess deep and strong statistical/quantitative and qualitative research skills.
5- Have excellent written skills in English.
6- Have the legal right to travel to southern provinces in Türkiye and Northwest of Syria (NWS) in
accessible areas in Idleb and Aleppo governorates and/or have national counterpart consultants
appointed in Türkiye and Northwest Syria.
7- Be able to communicate fluently in English and the local languages (Turkish and Arabic). If local
translators are required, this should be budgeted.
8- Deep Working experience and knowledge about the context in Türkiye and Northwest of Syria
(NWS) a presence/representation in Türkiye and Northwest of Syria (NWS).

The consultant is expected to produce:
1- A detailed work plan and inception report developed with and approved by İslamic Relief
relevant staff and set out the exact methodology, sampling strategy, data collection tools (checklist,
questionnaire), data collection protocols/guidelines, and deliverables prior to commencing the desk
2- The work plan, inception report, draft report, final report, presentation, etc., and communication
language must be in English.
3- Conduct remote/physical interviews with IRW leadership, interview (FGD, KII, etc.) with İslamic
Relief Türkiye management, programme team, logistics and procurement team, MEAL team, key
stakeholders, community leaders, rightsholders, field staff etc.
4- Orient the HH survey team on the HH survey questionnaire data collection process and protocol.
5- Develop quantitative data collection tools and checklists (questionnaire) in KOBO, data quality
checking, support the data collection team, data quality management, and data editing and analysis.
6- Collation and analysis of evaluation data and submission of the first draft to İslamic Relief Türkiye/
IRW for comments and share the initial presentation of findings to İslamic Relief Türkiye, DEC, and
IRW division including Global MEAL team, Programme Quality (PQ) team, the IRW Disaster Risk
Management Department (DRMD), the IRW Regional team and UNOCHA relevant bodies (e.g.
Clusters and taskforces) if required.
7- A full report with the following sections:
a) Title of Report: Evaluation of the DEC Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal, Islamic Relief
Turkey, October 2024Ref. No. Consult 08NOV24- HQ0202124102.
b) Consultancy organization and any partner names
c) Name of the person who compiled the report, including a summary of the role/contribution of
others in the team.
d) The period during which the review was undertaken.
e) Acknowledgements
f) Abbreviations
g) Table of contents
h) Executive summary
i) Main report – max 40 pages – (Standard reporting structure will be shared at the inception
stage, but the consultant is invited to propose most suitable report structure layout)
j) Annexes
• Terms of reference for the review

Profile of the review team members
• Review schedule.
• Documents consulted during the desk review.
• Persons participating in the review.
• Field data used during the review.
• Additional key overview tables, graphs or charts etc., created and used to support
analysis and inform findings.
• Bibliography
k) The consultant will be required to communicate İslamic Relief Türkiye and IRW relevant staff
and provide feedback on and answer questions about the findings from the desk review. This
meeting can be attended remotely by the consultant via video conference in Microsoft Teams,
where the consultant is outside Türkiye or based on the request from the consultant.
l) Consultant will facilitate a findings-sharing meeting with İslamic Relief Türkiye, İslamic Relief
Türkiye management and field office staff, and IRW staff.
m) A further presentation would need to be made on the overall findings and key
recommendations to DEC, and IRW global team, IRW division including Programme Quality
(PQ) team, the IRW Disaster Risk Management Department (DRMD), the IRW Regional team.
Please allow for a maximum of 90 minutes for this session.
n) For dissemination and learning purposes, a presentation would need to be made on the
overall findings and key recommendations to related bodies of the UNOCHA clusters.
o) Risk assessment (security and access) with proposed mitigation measures related to
conducting this evaluation, setting out different contingencies in case of challenges due to
security or other issues.

How to apply

You are invited to submit a quotation for the above tender in accordance with the terms and conditions included.
In the event of any query related to the tender, please email Satın Alma – UİYV – SY uiyv.satinalma.sy@islamicrelief.org.tr
– If you would like to submit an electronic offer, please send it to the email address below mentioning tender name in detail:
Syria Tenders Syria.Tenders@islamicrelief.org.tr
– In case of your quotation – it should be sealed and delivered to: Turkey Office: Akşemsettin, Vatandaş St. NO : 22, 34080 Fatih/Istanbul
Offer submission Deadline: Thursday. 29. Nov. 2024 at 23:59 Turkiye Time

– Quotations received after this time may not be considered.
– UİYV Istanbul office opening time is from 08:30 – 17:00 Monday to Friday Turkiye time.
Please address any queries to uiyv.satinalma.sy@islamicrelief.org.tr
Procurement team

for applying please click on this Link

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