More Information
- Experience 2-5
Caritas Österreich (Caritas Austria) is planning to award service contracts to a qualified auditor for audit of the Project Take Care II, implemented in North Macedonia. The Project is co-financed by Federal Minister for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK) and own contributions of Caritas Austria.
Caritas Austria is an international NGO implementing activities in the fields of emergency relief and rehabilitation as well as development cooperation, in countries struck by conflicts or natural disasters. Caritas Austria has been supporting projects in the Western Balkans for the past 20 years, addressing social needs like care for children and youth, programmes for women and the integration of minorities, elderly care, support of persons with disabilities, agricultural projects, etc.
With the current programme TAKE CARE II, Caritas puts the focus on the provision of home care, social assistance and direct support for socially disadvantaged and economically vulnerable people in North Macedonia encompassing mobile health, legal and social services and ensuring educational support for children. TAKE CARE II encompasses regional knowledge exchange.
The overall aim of the project is to contribute to securing long-term and dignified housing opportunities for people affected by poverty and/or those at increased risk of poverty and social exclusion due to the country’s economic crisis.
Programme outcomes:
OC. 1: People affected by poverty and/or at high risk of poverty and marginalisation take proactive measures to ensure their livelihood and support their household during the economic crisis.
OC. 2: People affected by poverty and/or at high risk of poverty and marginalisation have better access to preventive measures and integrated, assisted housing during the economic crisis.
Expected results:
Result 1.1: People affected by poverty and/or at high risk of poverty and marginalisation have improved skills to secure their livelihoods during the economic crisis.
Result 1.2: People experiencing poverty and/or at high risk of poverty and marginalisation have improved skills to access social services and benefits.
Result 2.1: People affected by poverty and/or at high risk of poverty and marginalisation have access to preventive measures and integrated, assisted housing.
Result 2.2: Development and dissemination of pilot concepts and best practices for preventive measures and assisted living.
Target group:
The following target numbers are outlined:
- Poor people and people at high risk of poverty and social exclusion – a total of 300 unique direct beneficiaries will be targeted through the mobile social, legal and health services.
- 17 households and/or at risk of becoming homeless households will receive accommodation within an integrated housing-approach
- At least 30% of women and girls receive specific thematic social and legal advice and support
- At least 60% of the people directly affected by the project belong to the Roma community
Target regions/locations:
Gostivar, Tetovo and Skopje incl. the rural areas around these cities.
Further details regarding the project’s background (objectives and activities, implementing partners, donor contracts) can be found in Annex 1 Terms of Reference under points 1. and 2.
Donors’ requirements regarding audit report:
In accordance with the different donor requirements Caritas Austria has elaborated Terms of Reference for the audit (see Annex 1). Although donors are contributing their respective share to the total programme budget, they have agreed to accept comprehensive audit reports comprising the total expenses of the project.
Audit process:
Audits have to be carried out in line with Annex 1 Terms of Reference. A consolidated financial report will be elaborated by Caritas Austria, based on expenses verified by the audit report.
The full tender package can be found here:
Link Password: fXzDXqcfC7
How to apply
Requests for clarification:
Requests for clarifications can be sent no later than 10.02.2025 to
Submission of tender application/offer:
For your application please use Annex 2 Expenditure Verification Tender application template1. Applications can be submitted in English or German.
Please note that only signed offers can be accepted (see Annex 2, page 7 of Tender application). A scanned copy of the signature will be accepted (via E-Mail).
Deadline for reception of offers:
Interested auditors are requested to send a “Letter of Interest” no later than 12.02.2025 to Michael Klipstas,
It should include:
- Description of planned audit implementation
- Schedule of activities
- Auditor’s fees
- Auditor’s CV and/or company profile
- Confirmation that the auditor will carry out the audit in accordance with the Terms of Reference
Submission of tender application/offer:
- For your application please use Annex 2 Expenditure Verification Tender application template. Applications can be submitted in English.
- Please note that only signed offers can be accepted (see page 7 of Tender application). A scanned copy of the signature will be accepted (via E-Mail).