Terms of Reference of the Mid-term Evaluation for the Citizen Driven WASH Management project At SEND Sierra Leone

Purpose of the Mid-Term Evaluation

The main objective of the Mid-Term evaluation is to:

● Identify the extent to which the project has been effectively implemented in the project communities.

● Measure the results/impact against the target indicators.

● Conduct a comparative analysis of the project baseline indicators

● Understand the impact created among the district stakeholders and project beneficiaries at the community level.

● Document lessons learned and best practices and provide recommendations to scale up climate mitigation and adaptation strategies within the Kenema district.

Communication of the report

The report will be disseminated in diverse ways:

● With donor partners in the fulfilment of accountability on funds utilised.

● With implementing partners and district stakeholders.

● With project participating communities, participants and stakeholders to enable the implementation of learning and recommendations to achieve the developed project’s overall objectives

Methodology of the Activity

The evaluation will be based on the following approaches below:

● The evaluation will be conducted within the 50 project communities in the Kenema district

● Using Key Informant Interviews, Focus Group Discussion, and Questionnaire surveys with Health Development Committees/Climate WASH Committees and project beneficiaries.

● Community transect walk for observation

Scope of work

The evaluation will cover selected participants from the project’s operational areas and stakeholders for the reporting period from December 2021 to December 2022. Within this period, the evaluation will assess project outcomes at all levels: including all result areas, beneficiaries, and project stakeholders. It will determine the impact and relevance of the project’s intervention on the citizens-driven climate adaptation approach (through mainstreaming of climate adaptation), strategic service delivery (improved climate robust infrastructure and private sector engagement), organization and capacity building of civil society (community approach), strengthening of democratic and transparent WASH sector governance–through capacity building, standardization/quality control and introductions of new technology, regulatory frame private sector engagement, IoT, transparency and governance influencing national policymaking from below – based on empiric evidence on citizen drive Climate adaptation through strategic service delivery in Kenema district. The evaluation will assess the project management and activity implementation to address the results achieved, the 4

partnerships established, and issues of capacity development for SEND and WHI. The evaluation will also establish best practices and lessons learned for future engagement while providing recommendations for the rest of the implementation.

For full details: https://sendsierraleone.com/TOR%20Mid-Term%20Evaluation%20P-150.pdf

How to apply


Qualified and experienced consultants must submit bids with the following:

1. Technical and financial proposals with a specific focus addressing the purpose of the assignment, methodology to be used and critical selection criteria of respondents.

2. Capacity statement on WASH and climate document reports (NAP) and other related documents.

3. CV or company profile with a minimum of 3 references

4. Sample report of similar work previously undertaken by the consultant

Closing date: 27th February 2023

Applications must be submitted to


Women are strongly encouraged to apply.

Job details

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