Terms of Reference (ToR) project Baseline assessment Resilient Communities: Supporting vulnerable and affected Palestinian communities to transition At Oxfam

Terms of Reference (ToR)

project Baseline assessment

Resilient Communities: Supporting vulnerable and affected Palestinian communities to transition to more resilient, sustainable, and equitable economic growth in the Gaza Strip and the Jordan Valley


1. Project summary

DURATION: July 2021-July 2025

COUNTRY: Occupied Palestinian Territory


OXFAM COUNTRY EA: Oxfam Novib (ONL) in Palestine.

DONOR: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

2. Project design and Intervention logic

The Resilient Communities project designed to strengthen the resilience of undeserved conflict, Covid-19 and climate affected communities in the Gaza Strip and the Jordan Valley. The project will address the needs of men and women small scale producers, farmers, youth, agronomists, and cooperatives experiencing multiple vulnerabilities and negative coping strategies caused by natural and man-made events that have resulted in system failures. The project will also address the lack of protection of the project’s targeted group’s agricultural assets, lands and inputs, limited livelihood opportunities, job insecurity, and the lack of access to quality basic services. Additionally, the project will strengthen targeted groups’ capacity and production skills at the individual, households, and community/local structure levels to enhance locally embedded services, responsive capacities to crises and shocks and high-quality production.

This project is part of “Oxfam’s Nexus Approach” that complements “Oxfam’s One Program Approach & Resilience Framework”, which requiring meeting immediate needs while ensuring longer-term investment. Under this project, the “nexus” focuses on addressing the systemic causes of conflict and vulnerability, which has a better chance of reducing the impact of cyclical or recurrent shocks, stresses and violent conflict.

Accordingly, the project’s overall objective is to contribute to transitioning from aid dependency to resilient, sustainable, and equitable economic growth in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The project’s theory of change (TOC) is that IF vulnerable communities affected by COVID-19, conflict and climate shocks have improved access to water for domestic and irrigation purposes, services and climate smart irrigation techniques; and IF young women, men, agronomists and SSPs have improved livelihoods and increased income; and IF local communities, stakeholders, SSP’s representative bodies and implementing partners have strengthened knowledge and capacity to respond to emergencies; THEN this will contribute to transitioning from aid dependency to resilient, sustainable and equitable economic growth in OPT.

3. Results Chain

The program’s results chain draws from the ToC described above. In line with the strategic domains specified above, three outcomes are proposed to enable the achievement of the program overall objective.

OUTCOME 1: ACCESS TO WATER- Vulnerable communities affected by Covid-19, conflict and climate shocks have improved access to water for domestic and irrigation purposes, services, and climate-smart irrigation techniques.

This outcome aims to improve and promote access, enhanced services, climate-smart irrigation, and adequate high-quality water for domestic and agricultural irrigation water purposes in the selected six communities: Tubas and Jericho in the Jordan Valley; Al-Naser, Al-Fokhary, Beit Lahia and Beit Hanoun in the Gaza Strip. It’s expected that at least 50% of targeted men, women, and children will report improved access to high-quality domestic water by end of project. Also, it’s expected that 60% of targeted men and women small-scale producers will report that water shortage relative to their production needs reduced as a result of using climate-smart agriculture techniques and the received irrigation system support by end of project. The related outputs under this outcome are:

Output 1.1: Domestic water networks efficiency and management improved and better institutionalized through rehabilitation and strengthened management system

Output 1.2: Small -scale women and men engaged in fruit and vegetables farming and processing in targeted geographical clusters benefit from rehabilitated and improved irrigation systems

Output 1.3: Innovative climate-smart agricultural irrigation models and technologies are tested and promoted in targeted geographic clusters in the Gaza Strip and the Jordan Valley

Outcome 2LIVELIHOOD RECOVERY & INCOME GENERATION- Young women and men, agronomists and small-scale producers/breeders have improved livelihoods and increased income.

Outcome 2 focuses on livelihoods recovery and income generation. The project will provide agricultural inputs and basic services to targeted small-scale producers/breeders in the Gaza Strip and the Jordan Valley. As well, the project will provide young men and women farmers and agronomists with employment, entrepreneurship, and internship opportunities within the agricultural sector. It’s expected that the agricultural yields/production of 40% of fruit and vegetables small-scale men and women producers/breeders in the project locations will increase by 15%. Also, it’s projected that 20% of targeted young women and men and agronomists will have permanent job opportunities by the end of the project. Additionally, it’s estimated that At least 60% of targeted young agronomists and small-scale producers will increase their income by 25%. The related outputs under this outcome are:

Output 2.1: Agricultural inputs and basic services provided to targeted small-scale producers / breeders in the Gaza Strip and the Jordan Valley.

Output 2.2: Targeted farmers and agronomists have access to employment, entrepreneurship, and internship opportunities within the agriculture sector in the Gaza Strip and the Jordan Valley

Outcome 3: STRENGTHENED CAPACITY (DRR)- Local communities, stakeholders, producer’s/breeders’ representative bodies and implementing partners have strengthened knowledge and capacity to respond to emergencies

Outcome 3 aims to strengthen inclusive planning and build local capacities on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and emergency preparedness and response in the 6 targeted communities. Oxfam and PARC in Gaza and the Jordan Valley will implement activities premised on a participatory community-based approach. Local communities, stakeholders, farmers’ organizations, cooperatives, and implementing partners will have improved knowledge and capacity, grounded on an evidence-based and systematic analysis of early warning systems and preparedness to build resilience to climate extremes. It’s expected that by the end of the program 50% of the targeted HHs and community members will increase their knowledge and skills in early warning information, search and rescue techniques, DRR WASH approaches and techniques, and key hygiene and health practices. The related outputs under this outcome are:

Output 3.1: Local stakeholders, small-scale producers, implementing partners, and producer cooperatives in the GS & JV have increased awareness and capacity to address livelihood shocks resulting from Covid-19 and climate change.

Output 3.2: Communities in Gaza and Jordan Valley have developed and use participatory DDR plans and mitigation funding schemes.

4. Beneficiaries

The program is expected to have a direct impact on the lives of 4,683 HHs or 27,288 individuals (13,431 females;13,857 males) living in the Gaza Strip (Al-Naser, Al-Fokhary, Beit Lahia and Beit Hanoun and the entire Jordan Valley, particularly Tubas and Jericho. The project will target vulnerable small-scale producers, young women and men, unemployed agronomists and young farmers in addition to local village councils, farmers’ representative bodies, and local community committees. The project will directly support people with hearing disabilities including their households. The project will also directly support and strengthen engagement with agricultural businesses, cooperatives, women’s enterprises, private agribusinesses and technology/Innovation Transfer Hubs.

It is estimated that the project will indirectly reach and improve the overall living conditions of 35,000-40,000 vulnerable and marginalized communities in the Gaza Strip and the Jordan Valley including 5% PWDs. Those communities will benefit from strengthened local actor’s DRR management, planning and networking. They will also benefit from facilitated linkages with the private sector, including investments in technology transfer hubs and demonstration sites.

5. Partners:

Oxfam in OPTI will coordinate and implement the project with three local partners, ESDC, UCAS and PARC.

The Economic & Social Development Centre (ESDC) will focus on access to water, irrigation, and agriculture livelihoods support (Outputs 1.1; 1.2; 2.1), in West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The University College of Applied Sciences (UCAS): will focus on youth entrepreneurship and innovative climate-smart agricultural irrigation models (Output 1.3 & 2.2) in Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian Agricultural Development Association (PARC): will focus on DRR (Outcome 3) and youth entrepreneurship and innovative climate-smart agricultural irrigation models in the West Bank (Output 1.3 & 2.2).

Objective of the Assignment

The objective of this assignment is to undertake a baseline assessment to establish the baseline for the program´s outcome indicators that do not have a baseline yet. The purpose of the baseline assessment is to provide benchmark information for measuring project achievements and outcomes based on the project log frame, and to determine progress and adjust project implementation to best serve people in need. The main goal of the baseline study is to uphold accountability and inform the impact evaluation to compare and measure the difference the project is making. It will be used to identify the extent to which change has happened at each level of result.

More precisely, the base-line study will be used to set the benchmark values for the outcome indicators 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 3.1. in the program MEAL framework. Also, the base-line study will assess the measurability of the outcome indicators and fine-tune the systems for future measurement. Additionally, the study will assess the achievability of targets for the output indicators.

In line with the designed indicators in the logframe, it’s anticipated that the baseline study will use a combination of data collection instruments that include mainly surveys with interviews, and FDGs.


As stated above, the purpose of this exercise is to conduct a baseline assessment for the program. Multiple methodologies and techniques for primary and secondary quantitative and qualitative data collection should be used, including surveys, interviews and document reviews. These should be considered against and designed to meet OXFAM Intervention plans and MEAL Framework. The study design and methodology will be discussed further and agreed with the project team at the beginning of the consultancy.

The collected data should be disaggregated by gender, age and location. In addition, the collected data should be streamlined and consistent with program MEAL Framework and intervention strategies. This will be the basis of measuring program’s progress over the next 3.5 years. Therefore, the findings of the baseline assessment should be documented in a written report highlighting the main findings of the assessment, the methodology used, data sources, limitations, references, and any other information that will be necessary to substantiate the validity and quality of the baseline findings.

The following table presents the indicators for which baseline information needs to be collected under the present study with a brief explanation of what needs to happen during the baseline study including data collection tool, sample size and specifications.


Data collection tool

Specifications and notes

Baseline Purpose

1.1. Percentage of targeted men, women, and children report improved access to high-quality domestic water

Household Survey

Sample size: 300


Al Nasser area in Rafah (GS); and the Jordan Valley (WB).

One page survey that will include:

* One question on water source

* One question on water availability on last month

* 4 to 6 scaled items on access to acceptable color, taste, and odour domestic water.

* Demographic data

Assess current access to high-quality domestic water

1.2. Percentage of targeted men and women small-scale producers report reduced water shortage relative to their production needs as a result of using climate-smart agriculture techniques and the received irrigation system support

Farmers’ survey

Sample size: 200


Al Nasser area in Rafah; El fukhari area in Khan Younis; Beit Lahia; Beit Hanoun, and the Jordan Valley.

One page survey that will include:

* One question on water source

* One question on water availability for irrigation on last month

* 3 scaled items on access to water for production needs

* Demographic data

Assess farmers current access to irrigation water

2.1. Percentage of fruit and vegetables small-scale men and women producers/breeders in the project locations report 15% increase in their agricultural yields/production **

Farmers & Breeders survey

Sample size: 330


Breeders: 167


Al Nasser area in Rafah; El fukharieh area in Khan Younis; Beit Lahia; Beit Hanoun, and the Jordan Valley.

Half a page survey that will include:

* Demographic data

* Annual agricultural yields or production in Tons/dunum for farmers and Liter/year or Kg/year for breeders.

Assess current annual agricultural yields /production for targeted farmers and breeders

3.1 Percentage of the targeted HHs and community members who have increased knowledge and skills in early warning information, search and rescue techniques, DRR WASH approaches and techniques, and key hygiene and health practices. **

Household Survey

Sample size: 610


Al Nasser: 35

El Fukhari: 25

Beit Lahia: 330

Beit Hanoun: 200

Al Jeftlik: 12

Ain Al Bida: 8

One page survey that will include:

* 10 -12 scaled items on knowledge and skills in DRR, WASH, hygiene and health practices.

* Demographic data

Assess current knowledge and skills in early warning information, search and rescue techniques, DRR WASH approaches and techniques, and key hygiene and health practices.

Indicators: 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 3.1

4 FDGs

One FDG with each target group

Explain & verify surveys data and to assess the achievability of the targets

Indicators: 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 3.1**

4 KIIs and documents review


Explain & verify surveys data and to assess the achievability of the targets

The consultant is expected to perform the following tasks in order to execute the assignment:

1- Preparatory Phase: Desk review of the project’s key documents including project proposal, results chain, and monitoring and evaluation framework.

2- Carry out preliminary interviews with the relevant staff from Oxfam to ensure common understanding of the ToR and the expected results of the assignment.

3- Develop a workplan and inception report that includes strategies to collect and analyze quantitative and qualitative data. The inception report also, should include the protocols for the enumerators & supervisors, and data entry & analysis plan. As well, the report should include the developed data collection tools and methods.

4- Testing Phase: The consultant should validate the data collection tools by conducting field test and collecting feedback from Oxfam and key partners’ staff. The testing phase aims to ensure the reliability and the validity of the tools. The pilot test of the surveys has to be conducted using the developed questionnaire on 5% of a subset of intended survey participants. (Data collection will not start before the final approval from Oxfam on the proposed tools.)

5- Review and finalize proposal for baseline implementation based on feedback collected and field test findings.

6- Field phase: Upon approval of the inception report and the data collection tools, the consultant shall commence the field work. The field work will tack place in Tubas, Jericho, Jordan Valley areas in the West Bank, and Al Nasser, El Foukhari, Beit Lahia, Beit Hanoun areas in the Gaza Strip. During the field work, the consultant will collect baseline data using the tested and approved data collection tools. It’s advised to implement the FDG’s and the KII’s after conducting the surveys and have the results. The main objective of the qualitative data is to explain and verify the quantitative data and to assess the achievability of the targets.

7- Data analysis & Reporting Phase: Integrated data entry and verification of the quality of data is essential, therefore, before the data analysis, the consult should clean the data and verify the entered data using “re-entry approach”. The consultant must re-enter 5% of the surveys and conduct proper analysis to ensure the quality of the entered data.

8- After the data cleaning & verification, the consultant should analyze the collected data and produce a baseline report that presents the baseline data and highlights significant, important or interesting findings that could inform/ help the program implementation and future data collection activities. The descriptive data presented in the report should be disaggregated by gender, age and location. In addition, the presented data should be streamlined and consistent with program MEAL Framework requirements.

9- Render first draft report to Oxfam and partners for comments.

10- Finalize the report within less than a week of receiving comments.


The period for the assignment is 44 calendar days starting from the date of signing the contract until the submission of final report**.**

The following timetable is indicative and reflects the expected duration for each phase of the assignment. **


Number of days**

Preparatory Phase**

9 days

Testing Phase

8 days

Field phase

14 days

Data analysis & Reporting Phase

13 days


44 days


The consultant is liable for the following deliverables:

  1. An inception report, including details such as methodology, work plan, developed tools, and questionnaires, FGDs guidelines and KIIs checklist and a field survey plan. (These need to be agreed with Oxfam prior to the start of field work).
  2. Draft baseline study report. This needs to be submitted according to the following procedures:

ü The consultant will prepare a draft report and share with Oxfam

ü Oxfam will feedback on draft report and the consultant then have to finalize the report based on this. Report should be comprehensive with benchmarks for the assigned indicators and other crosscutting issues. The consultant needs to submit the electronic version (i.e., Word, Power Point, and Excel).

  1. Final baseline assessment report.
  2. Survey data on MS Excel including codebook. The data should be disaggregated by gender, age and location, this is in addition to be streamlined and consistent with program MEAL Framework.
  3. Transcript of qualitative data and recording.

All deliverables will be submitted in the English language with the exception of the data collection tools that should be provided in Arabic and English. Recording of qualitative data collection activities as part of the deliverables if the participants agree to the use of recording. The report shall present the main findings of baseline assessment. The period for the assignment is 44 calendar days starting from the date of signing the contract until the submission of final report.

Responsibilities of the consultant

The consultant is required to:

A. Take the responsibility for the assignment and appoint a person as the contact point with Oxfam for all the liaison and coordination.

B. Compose the study team that is capable to deliver the output of required quality in time and mention the team composition in his / her proposal.

C. With the support from Oxfam, make necessary appointments for the key informant interviews, mobilize participants, including targeted groups for focus group discussions and visit the partners for data collection. Oxfam will provide necessary authorizations through letters to use the organization names by the consultant. All communication and coordination in the country for collecting data should be the consultant’s responsibility.

D. Manage all the logistics of field work in coordination with Oxfam.

E. Train an adequate number of enumerators that will be recruited for the field work and supervise their work (both progress and the quality).

F. Ensure that all the Consultant’s personnel are following the Code of Conduct and the policies of Oxfam and a declaration to this effect is signed by them.

G. Submit the deliverables (mentioned above) on time, and,

H. Maintain the confidentiality of all information gathered. (Prior to undertaking, the consultant will have to declare that the information gathered would not be used for a purpose other than for those stipulated in the ToR).

Responsibilities of Oxfam

As the organization commissioning the study, Oxfam will:

A. Provide all the relevant documentation and project document for the study purpose

B. Hold the responsibility for the provision of feedback / comments for inception report, developed tools, questionnaires, and draft report, as per the agreed time frame.

C. Provide the templates for reporting and financial settlements.

D. Keep the relevant stakeholders (who are to be interviewed by the consultant) informed about the assessment.

E. Review the timeline of assessment and make necessary amendments in consultation with the consultant, and

F. Provide payments to the consultant as per the agreed schedule upon completion of minimum requirements.


Upon the conclusion of an open and competitive bidding process, Oxfam will select and commission a technically qualified independent Consultancy Firms with an efficient and effective team composition covering targeted localities in both West Bank & Gaza Strip. The Core Team should include expertise in research, baseline assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation methodologies, statistics, agricultural development, and resilience framework. The team should also include experienced enumerators and data entry personnel. Preference will be given to firms with proven relevant experience in undertaking a task of similar magnitude, and shall have the following qualifications and experience:

ü 7-10 years of relevant experience.

ü Proven record in the development and implementation of baseline assessments in the international development sector for economic justice programming, in particular in agricultural sector or resilience approaches.

ü Proven experience in qualitative and quantitative methods to monitoring and evaluation.

ü Excellent knowledge and understanding of research methodologies and processes.

ü Experience in conducting field research with Palestinian communities.

ü Relevant geographical experience in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, ideally including previous work in the targeted governorates.

ü Ability to communicate fluently in English and Arabic and write reports in English

ü S/he is expected to propose efficient and effective team composition in both West Bank and the Gaza Strip taking into consideration the social, cultural, environmental, and political/security issues.

ü Ability to work with a diverse team and under pressure to produce agreed deliverables in a timely manner.

Evaluation of proposals and selection process

Potential and interested firms are required to submit a comprehensive proposal describing / articulating the work requirements outlined in this ToR. Professional and language proficiency of the proposed personnel, including the field enumerators, are important to indicate in the proposal. 70% of weight will be given to technical proposal and 30% of weight will be given to financial proposal. The applicant should score minimum of 50% in the technical evaluation to be eligible for financial evaluation. All proposals will be evaluated based on internally agreed criteria as follows:

(Weight for each criterion given in percentages)

A. Experience in the development and implementation of baseline assessments in the international development sector for economic justice programming, in particular in the agricultural sector. (10%)

B. Geographical Experience (Gaza and West Bank) (10%).

C. Proposed actual number of days, timeframe, and team size (10%).

D. Proposed team / personnel which includes composition of the team and their educational qualification and experiences as articulated in the section above. With equal competences, gender-balanced teams will be favorable (30%).

E. Quality of presentation of proposal (10%).

F. Financial proposal (30%)

Terms and conditions

Payment will be on submission of Tax-exempt Invoice on delivery against milestones. All incidentals, equipment and materials, accommodation and travel required for the assignment are the responsibility of the consultant and need to be included in the financial proposal. The consultant should follow the Oxfam’s Branding policies and ensure Oxfam and donor logos are presented as per the guidelines. The consultant and his / her team in the assignment must abide by Oxfam child protection policy, code of conduct, sexual harassment policy and Oxfam’s other relevant policies. All requirements in respect of insurance including professional indemnity, worker’s compensation, public liability, superannuation and taxation, where applicable will remain, at all times, the responsibility of the consultant.

The submitted offers should be in EURO excluding VAT (project is VAT Exemption). The tendered should be able to issue an official vat exemption invoice. The tendered should submit a valid deduction at source certificate, if not, Oxfam will deduct a percentage of the final payment according to Palestinian Taxation department & laws. The financial offer prices should be valid for 120 days.

How to apply


Interested consultants should submit letter of interest, technical proposal, and financial offer no later than the November 8, 2021, COB 16:00** to the attention of OPT–Jerusalem Procurement Procurement.jerusalem@oxfam.org

The proposal should include the following:

a) Objectives -understanding of the scope of the assignment.

b) Technical offer including a preliminary causal approach, design, methodology.

c) CV of the consultant(s) including list of similar works

d) Detailed budget on a separate sheet.

All docs are requested in English language, and the financial offer in Euros.

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