Training of ABE Teachers and Headteachers on Skills and Methodology of Teaching At Africa Educational Trust

Consultancy period 5 days

Consultancy location Kismayo and Berdere in Jubaland State of Somalia

Consultant type required Firm/person.

Responsibility for logistics arrangements and costs

AET will cover for any logistics arrangements and costs; including food, accommodation and local transport.

Taxation provisions

The consultant shall be responsible for all taxes arising from the consultancy in line with the local tax regulations applicable in Somalia

Security requirements

The consultant will comply with standard AET security procedures and adhere to AET’s safeguarding and PSEA policies

Qualification and experience

  • A minimum of a degree in education or social science
  • Extensive experience in education and teachers training
  • Experience in delivering training workshops
  • Understanding of the key issues involved in ABE in the region
  • Fluency in written and spoken English, plus good written and spoken Somali
  • Strong report writing skill

Evaluation criteria

The consultant must meet the above-required qualifications and experience.

Training materials

The consultant will develop the training materials




ADRA Somalia has sub-contracted Africa Educational Trust (AET) to implement selected activities under the Education Cannot Wait Multi-Year Resilience Program (ECW MYRP) in Jubaland state of the Federal Republic of Somalia. The project, dubbed Support for Emergency Education in Jubaland seeks to achieve the following outcomes:

Outcome 1: Equitable access to education for emergency-affected children and youth is increased Outcome 2: Learning outcomes are improved for emergency-affected children and youth

Outcome 3: Gender equity and equality are increased

Outcome 4: Protective learning environments are established for emergency-affected children and youth

Outcome 5: Communities are more resilient to shocks and prioritize education for children

AET will collaborate with schools, CECs, MoECHE, and state ministries of education, REOs, and host communities to target primary age children and out-of-school youth, especially IDPs and returnee communities, promoting equitable educational opportunities for girls and inclusion for children with disabilities. Through engagement with communities, the project will raise awareness of the importance of education engendering a positive context for community support for children to enter education. The project will increase access to primary education and ABE through the rehabilitation of existing learning spaces and provision of teaching and learning materials. Teachers and headteachers will be trained in contextually relevant pedagogy, including gender equity and inclusive approaches, improving the quality of teaching and learning outcomes for primary students as well as training in ABE for out of school youth

One of the project’s main activities is to train ABE teachers and equip them with basic knowledge and skills in the methodology of teaching in the classrooms and improve their capacity. Alternative Basic Education (ABE) is an innovative, flexible, cost-effective, and community-managed program of education, complementary to the formal education system, organized for out-of-school children. It generally seeks to target those with limited access to traditional education to provide a relative alternative pathway for primary education. ABE is intended to benefit children whose circumstances do not allow participation in formal education such as nomadic/pastoralists children, IDPs, and isolated rural communities. It also enables out-of-school children to complete basic primary education and continue their education in formal schools.

Objective of the training

The training intends to achieve the following objectives:

  • To enhance teachers’ understanding of Student-centred teaching methodology and enable teachers’ adaptability to this methodology.
  • Enable the teachers to use lesson plans and schemes of work.
  • Widen teachers’ understanding and use of positive disciplinary methods
  • Equip teachers with the basic knowledge and skills in student assessment.
  • Enable teachers to use class management and control.
  • To improve the understanding of child protection
  • To increase awareness on how to create a protective environment

Expected outcomes

By the end of the training the teachers will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of child participation in the teaching/learning process
  • Manage and handle effectively and efficiently teaching process in the targeted schools.
  • Understand and appreciate the use of lesson plan and scheme of work
  • Understand and appreciate the importance of positive disciplinary methods
  • Understand the role of assessment in education and understand the various technique of student assessment
  • Understand the use of class management and control

Nature of work

The trainer will conduct 4 days of in-person training for 60 ABE teachers and headteachers from the target schools in Jubaland on child-centered teaching methodology, classroom management and control, and knowledge of lesson plan and scheme of work. The training will take place in Kismayo and Berdere(2 days each)

Workshop methodology

The key methodologies to be used by the trainer include discussion, brainstorming, questioning, and answering

Obligations of AET

  • Prepare any logistical and administrative support needed for the training and by the trainer
  • Supervise the training proceedings and maintain a daily attendance record
  • Brief the trainer on the training and its expectations
  • Pay the trainer’s facilitation fee

Obligation of the trainer

  • Develop and share a training module with AET before the commencement of the training
  • Making necessary preparation for the smooth running of the training programme
  • Provide the timetable and methodology for the training to AET prior to the start of the training
  • Conduct 4 days of in-person training for Jubaland teachers and headteachers
  • Ensure that the training achieves all the intended outputs as per TOR provided
  • Develop and share the training report with AET

Modalities of payment

The trainer will be contracted for a period of 5 days including preparation and report writing. The payment will be effected once he/she completes the training, submits the report and the report is approved by AET.

How to apply

Application procedure

Interested consultants should submit their applications via email to

The applications should be submitted in PDF format as one document comprising technical and financial sections as detailed below.

  • A technical proposal with a detailed response to the TOR, with a specific focus on the scope of work, methodology to be used, and key selection criteria.
  • Initial work plan based on the methodology outlined, and an indication of availability.
  • A financial proposal detailing the daily rate expected but not including accommodation, transportation, and all other cost related to this assignment.
  • CV of the consultant or company profile and CV’s of key experts in the case of a firm.
  • Detailed budget breakdown based on expected daily rates.

Applicants should also indicate the date they are available to start working on the consultancy

All applications MUST be submitted on or before the closing date below to be considered for the assignment.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

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