Venezuela – Country Administrator At COOPI – International Cooperation

COOPI is looking for a Country Administrator in Venezuela

Since 2019, COOPI has established a presence in Venezuela to assist the local population after the worsening of the country’s socioeconomic crisis . As of July 2020, a regional crisis response program begins that is implemented in consortium with Venezuelan organizations for the protection of vulnerable groups. In these years COOPI has expanded its interventions and is currently executing projects with different donors in Caracas, Sucre, Delta Amacuro and Bolivar in protection (GBV, human trafficking), sexual reproductive health , WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) and food school _

Job Description

The person will be accompanying the Country Coordination in the management and supervision of the work of COOPI and its local partners, ensuring the timely coordination, management, training and support for all the administrative activities planned and with which the organization must comply in the country. , also ensuring compliance with the same COOPI and donor procedures.

Areas of responsibility


  • Coordinate and monitor the financial management of the National Coordination and the programs carried out by COOPI and its partners in the Country.
  • Ensure the timely application of the corresponding institutional tools, necessary for the correct implementation of the financial, accounting, administrative and logistical procedures of both COOPI and the donors with whom it collaborates.
  • Develop and monitor the budget of the Country Coordination, of ongoing projects and support their preparation for new interventions.
  • Ensure the constant updating of accounting instruments, in order to allow the monitoring and control of expenses.
  • Evaluate and monitor the necessary financial commitments and the availability of funds to guarantee operation in the country, the timely implementation of the projects, as well as any planned co-financing.
  • Collaborate in the preparation of the purchasing plans identified for each project and ensure their monitoring and/or re-planning and the correct application of the organization’s purchasing procedures.
  • Provide for the appropriate actions in the times necessary for the presentation of the information required for the annual balance sheets (internal and/or national).
  • Accompany the definition and monitoring of the projects’ accountability plan towards the beneficiaries and the main strategic allies.
  • Support in the definition and strengthening of the local administrative-logistical management and coordination structure in the country.

Management and control

  • Supervise financial flows between the headquarters and the bank accounts managed by the Country Coordination and by the implementing partners, ensuring proper management of the accounts and bank reconciliation.
  • Authorize, in coordination with the Country Coordinator, the contracts, payments and bank transfers to be made for the execution of the projects.
  • Coordinate and supervise operations with identified banking institutions inside and outside the country for the implementation of COOPI interventions. Coordinate and ensure the identification, registration and filing of all project supporting documents, as well as the formulation of the first project notes and financial and banking documentation.
  • Ensure the correct allocation of costs to projects, according to COOPI and donor procedures.
  • Maintain constant control of the expenses of each project and of the Country Coordination office, in coordination with those responsible for the projects and local partners, in order to supervise the execution of budgets and define periodically (once a month) the expense forecast and treasury requests to the Milan headquarters.
  • Supervise the updating of merchandise inventories (owned and projects of COOPI and partners) with the logistics structure in the country.
  • Manage the correct maintenance of assets owned by COOPI or acquired by the projects, using corporate tools.
  • Ensure the reconciliation and financial consolidation of project accounts before sending them to the Regional Coordination and headquarters.
  • Coordinate the periodic transmission of information and data to the Regional Coordination and headquarters (Local subsidies, Closing of the annual balance sheet, Financial reports, Audit reports).
  • Manage the supervision of the movements of funds from donors for the projects to be implemented in the country, including advances and payments after approval of financial reports.
  • Carry out the necessary actions so that the organization complies with the tax laws established in the country, as well as with the regulations for the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism for non-profit organizations.
  • Carry out those tasks inherent to the objectives of the position, and that are requested by the coordination team according to the context and needs of the projects.

Reports, audits and files

  • Coordinate with those responsible for the projects and the country representative for the timely preparation and presentation of the provisional and final financial reports of the implemented projects.
  • Coordinate the sending to the Regional Coordination and the headquarters of all the documents and information necessary for the presentation of the financial reports of the implemented projects, for accountability to donors and any internal or external audits to be carried out.
  • Prepare communications/correspondence for donors , budget modifications and amendments, in collaboration with project coordinators, local partners, Country Coordinator and Regional Coordination/headquarters.
  • Ensure the registration and filing of all documents relating to the acquisition, warranty, depreciation and maintenance of equipment and durable goods within the framework of the projects, as well as their transfer from one project to another and/or to direct beneficiaries and/or local counterparts.

Human Resources Administration and Training

  • Select, train, follow and evaluate the administrative and logistical personnel hired by the organization on site.
  • Provide training and technical assistance to the administrative staff of local partners on financial management and accountability instruments and processes, in accordance with the requirements of donors and local regulations.
  • Collaborate with those responsible for the projects and the Country Coordinator in the drafting and approval of contracts for local staff.
  • Guarantee that contracts signed with local staff comply with the country’s labor and financial laws, as well as with the procedures and ethical codes defined by the organization and donors.
  • Supervise the preparation and updating of the dossiers of local and expatriate personnel, including all the documentation provided for by COOPI procedures and country regulations.
  • Supervise the development and periodic updating of the salary scale and regulations for local staff.
  • Supervise compliance with contractual obligations by hired personnel, as well as the registration of work days, vacations and permits, as provided for by internal regulations and contracts signed between the parties.
  • Support the Country Coordinator in the preparation of the Country regulations and security protocols and ensure that they are applied in a timely manner.

Desired profile

Necessary requirements

  • Professional studies (minimum bachelor’s degree, postgraduate or master’s degree desirable) in Economic Sciences, Business Administration, Management of Non-Profit Entities and/or related entities .
  • Demonstrable experience of at least 5 years in administration of INGOs and/or companies abroad.
  • Experience in International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and/or similar.
  • Previous experiences with procedures for managing funds from institutional donors ECHO, DEVCO, USAID, UN agencies and the private sector.
  • Proven experience in managing purchasing and logistics systems.
  • Experience in security and institutional risk management.
  • Inter-institutional and inter-agency coordination capabilities (donor).
  • Written and oral negotiation skills.
  • Excellent teamwork capacity, in person and remotely.
  • Demonstrable experience managing teams and supervising local partners.
  • Ability to work in emergencies and under pressure, as well as in contexts with high complexity.
  • Interest, availability and experience working in multicultural environments and with multidisciplinary teams.
  • Flexibility, adaptability and willingness to move within the country.
  • Ability to work autonomously (organization, work planning, analytical development, synthesis).
  • Respect for the Vision and Mission of COOPI and its charter of values.
  • Motivation, honesty, pro-active and decisive attitude, common sense, discretion.
  • Capacities in systematization of processes and preparation of documents and reports.
  • Languages: Spanish and English .
  • Use of computer tools (Microsoft Windows operating system) and office tools (Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook).


  • Work experience and knowledge of COOPI internal procedures.
  • Previous work experience in the country and in the region.
  • Consortium work experience.
  • Languages: Italian desirable.

COOPI reserves the right to close a recruitment before the announcement deadline. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Interviews will be conducted on an ongoing basis and the vacancy will be closed when filled. Thanks for your understanding.

COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale is a secular and independent NGO, founded in Milan in 1965. It carries out development projects to contribute to the fight against poverty in particularly degraded areas and emergency programs to support people affected by natural disasters or conflicts. Currently, COOPI is present in 30 countries in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean.

How to apply

Interested parties must send the application:


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