Video production At Danish Refugee Council

DRC is advertising for a videographer / documentary to produce a set of videos to inspire diaspora investors and remittance senders/recipients to engage in the Somali Region of Ethiopia.

Who we are
Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a private, independent, humanitarian organisation working on all
aspects of displacement in more than 40 countries throughout the world. The mandate of DRC is to
protect refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) against persecution and to promote durable
solutions to the problems of forced displacement – based on humanitarian principles and human rights.

Partnering with diaspora in support of their constructive engagement in former home countries, has
become an increasingly important part of DRC’s activities.
DRC in Ethiopia implements a project called “Strengthened Socio-Economic Development and Better
Employment Opportunities for Refugees and host Communities in the Jigjiga Area (Ethiopia)” that aims
at further enhancing the economic engagement of diaspora with a view to creating jobs and
employment for both refugees and host communities in the Somali Region of Ethiopia.

Based on thorough assessments in the Somali Region of Ethiopia DRC has identified and described two
main types of economic engagement by the diaspora that each create jobs and employment
opportunities in the region:

  1. Direct engagement by diaspora businesspeople in existing local businesses or by starting up
    their own businesses in the region.
  2. Economic support to relatives in the region through transfer of remittances. These remittances
    are mostly used by recipients for direct consumption, but in some cases the transfers have been
    used to start-up of small business.

The report can be accessed through the link below.
Description of the Consultancy**
DRC is seeking the services of a videographer / documentary to produce two sets of informational and
inspirational videos targeting:
 Diaspora businesspeople and their potential partners in the Somali Regional State of Ethiopia to further engage.
 Senders and recipients of remittances to use these remittances productively.

Each set of videos should consist of five short videos presenting information, and best practices by each
group (each video between 1:30 – 5.00 minutes).

On the basis of DRCs research, initial discussions with DRC staff in the Somali Region
and Copenhagen, combined with field visits to the Somali Region of Ethiopia and discussions with diaspora
in US, UK, Scandinavia, the producer is expected to draft the contents of the videos and identify the most
appealing cases and charismatic characters to feature in the videos.

More information on contents of the videos can be accessed through the link below.
Duration and quantity:**
2 x 5 videos of 1:30-5:00 minutes duration.
Video Format:**
The videos should be produced using a mix of styles and sources, such as interviews, photos, videos,
illustrations, and animations.
Language and Imagery:**
The language used in the videos is likely to be a mix of Somali and English language. The communication
should be clear, simple, and personal, avoiding any kind of technical jargon. It is vital that the imagery and
language used in videos is inclusive, diverse, non-discriminative and non-stereotypical, gender sensitive,
and provide multicultural perspectives when depicting personal stories or general best practices. The content and storytelling should be personal – and, if thematically possible, follow a storyline.
Voiceover and subtitles:**
Application of subtitles and voiceover recording in English and Somali language is part of the assignment.

Producer duties and responsibilities
As described above the video producer is expected to produce two series of videos – each with five
videos of approximately 1:30 – 5:00 minutes duration.

The videos should be produced in Ethiopia and in countries of residence of diaspora business-people
and senders of remittances (mainly US, UK, and Scandinavia).

Deadline for submission of a full proposal for the consultancy is on 21 November 2021.

Please use the link below to download full material from DRCs website.

How to apply

If interested please find the opportunity through this link: DRC | Tenders

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