Videographer At Medair


Medair is an international humanitarian organisation that has been working in Jordan since 2012. Medair provides cash, protection, cash-for-health, and mental health support to refugees and vulnerable Jordanian families.

This Professional Videographer visit has been budgeted under the 2021 visibility activities for cash-for-health interventions funded by German Foreign Federal Office (AA), the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (BPRM) in Jordan.

The Professional Videographer visit will play an important role in fulfilling the visibility requirements agreed to by the Medair Jordan programme and their international donors. This will be an opportunity to promote AA, ECHO, SDC, and BPRM work with refugees and vulnerable Jordanians in Jordan (encompassing cash-for-health and community health volunteers), as well as promote Medair’s work and the funding of the donor governments to international and national audiences.


With support from AA, ECHO, and BPRM, Medair provides essential health services to refugees and vulnerable Jordanian people living in Jordan. These services cover the costs associated with urgent medical procedures (such as treatment for complicated births, treatment for non-communicable diseases, or mental health services), many of which are unattainably expensive for vulnerable families in Jordan.

With support from SDC, Medair provides unconditional cash and case management (CCM) services to refugee families and vulnerable Jordanians in Amman. This support allows vulnerable families to access essential services, and create realistic and long-term goals for their own wellbeing


Gather compelling video footage from Medair’s CCM and health interventions in Jordan that highlights families supported by the cash-for-health intervention, the work of Medair teams, and the support from international donors for this work.


  • Gather compelling raw video footage from Medair’s cash-for-health interventions in Jordan for use by Medair. Footage must include:
  • Interviews and b-rolls with at least two (2) families supported by the intervention
  • Video images of Medair staff interacting with people supported by the intervention
  • Gather compelling raw video footage from Medair’s CCM work in Jordan for use by Medair.
  • Interviews and b-rolls with one (1) family supported by the intervention
  • Video images of Medair staff interacting with people supported by the intervention
  • Create one 30-60 second video for use on Medair and donor social media channels and website. This video can either be an overview of the cash-for-health intervention, CCM intervention, or a feature on one of the families supported by this intervention.


Output 1: Gather compelling raw video footage from Medair’s cash-for-health interventions in Jordan

The primary objective of this professional videographer visit will be to gather high-quality raw video footage of Medair’s cash-for-health and CCM work in Jordan. This footage should include two (3) interviews and b-roll with families supported through the intervention (Medair will select and brief the families to be interviewed), as well as images of Medair staff interacting with the supported families.

This footage will be used by Medair in perpetuity for use on the website, social media feeds, and promotional material. Where possible, Medair will credit the Videographer for their work using the following format: © Medair / Videographer Name.

Output 2: Create one video, no longer than 60 seconds in length, about Medair’s cash-for-health interventions in Jordan

This video will be used by Medair on social media feeds, on the website, and potentially by donors to the cash-for-health intervention. The video can be either a case study of one family supported through the intervention, or an overview of the cash-for-health intervention.

Deadline for both outputs: Within 21 days after the end of the visit.

Please note: Videos and video footage must reflect the values of Medair. Videos must portray the dignity, autonomy, and hope of the individuals being interviewed and filmed. Medair will not tolerate exploitation of families for videography purposes. The Videographer must follow Medair’s security protocols and should listen to the advice from Medair’s national and international staff about when it is and is not appropriate to film for the purposes of dignity, safety, respect, and cultural understanding.

Please see attached for Medair’s photo ethics guidelines, applicable also to videography.

The Videographer will always be appropriately credited for their work when it is published, using the following format: ©Medair / Videographer Name.


All reasonable steps will be taken to provide safety and security for the Videographer. Both Medair and the Videographer accept the inherent risks in working in humanitarian contexts. Medair will not be required to do more than what is reasonable and possible in the circumstances whilst providing a safe and appropriate work environment.

Medair will provide the Videographer with a security briefing about locations to be visited by the Videographer. The briefing will cover the threats / risks of working in Jordan and on Medair’s Security Procedures, which the Videographer will be required to adhere to at all times.


  • The consultancy fees payable to the Videographer will be calculated on the basis of an estimated three days of work at a daily rate, and other costs, as stated in the quotation provided
  • Half (50%) of the consultancy fee will be paid into a bank account designated by the Videographer at the completion of the field work.
  • The remaining amount, 50%, will be paid when the agreed outputs have been received and approved by Medair.


  • Submit to Medair before the starting date of the contract proof of registration as Videographer. (Only if in Videographer’s country of residence such registration is normal practice.)
  • Fulfil the above outputs as listed within the timeframe stated.
  • Provide photography gear, laptop, software, or any other relevant equipment for professional use and report writing (not chargeable to or reimbursable by Medair).


Provide transport within Jordan while traveling with Medair Jordan staff.

  • Arrange and cover the costs of in-country work permits and authorisations, if required
  • Provide translators for Videographer, if needed.
  • Reimburse expenses within the scope of work for this Term of Reference with valid receipts.
  • Medair will provide an interview guide however the questions may not be an exhaustive list and the videographer may ask follow-up or relevant questions.
  • Medair is responsible for line management of all Medair employees, and this shall not be transferred onto the Videographer. In some cases, Medair may hire casual laborers, who can be managed by Videographer

How to apply

To express interest in this position, please send:

  1. A full CV
  2. Three samples of your work
  3. Three professional references
  4. A list of the equipment for the assignment, and
  5. Any other outputs you’d like to share (for example, Vimeo accounts, Instagram pages, examples from other organisations), and
  6. A quotation for services for the completion of this task

to no later than 24 October 2021

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