Web design Consultancy At CIVICUS

We are looking for a web designer who will create an online platform for our new Political Analysis Initiative as well as templates for our various research outputs, including interviews, bulletin and reports

Location: Global Duration: Approx. 3 months (July to September 2021)


As a global civil society thought leader, CIVICUS conducts and disseminates cutting-edge research aimed at understanding the main issues and trends affecting civil society, providing a narrative focused on the value added of civil society and the positive outcomes of its work, and improving the ability of civil society to respond to major challenges of the day. We understand that the way our research is presented matters, and we seek to reach out further to our target audiences by repackaging analysis in more accessible and attractive formats and providing an outstanding user experience in navigating our web platforms.

We are looking for a web designer to create a new online platform that will contain curated pieces of analysis and commentary, including multimedia content in various forms; a template for a monthly bulletin highlighting key published pieces; and templates for interviews, reports, and other outputs.


CIVICUS exists to defend people power. As a growing global alliance of over 10,000 members in more than 180 countries, we work together to monitor violations of basic civic freedoms, call out the perpetrators of violations and strengthen the power of people to organise, speak up and take action by supporting a more accountable, effective and innovative civil society. We strive to promote excluded voices, especially from the Global South.

Scope and Goal

The overall goal of the consultancy is to design a new online platform and templates for our various research outputs, including interviews, a monthly bulletin, and annual reports. The web platform and templates will need to follow the CIVICUS style guide while displaying a refreshed look, incorporating interactive features, and allowing space for multimedia outputs. They should all have a unified style reflecting the identity of the Political Analysis Initiative and should allow for displaying newly published pieces as well as for archiving older ones, organising them by categories and providing for a search engine to locate entries by area, theme, region, etc.

How to apply

How to apply

Deadline: 10 July 2021

Please send a detailed proposal, quote, and short motivation letter/CV demonstrating experience to research@civicus.org .It is advisable to develop the proposal on the basis of an analysis of the strengths and shortcomings of current CIVICUS web platforms and outputs and to provide examples of what the applicant would do differently, and how.

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