West Africa – Digital programming – 12 months renewable – Full time – Voluntary Cooperation mandate with allowances and benefit At Oxfam-Quebec

** An English Version Follows

Digital programming – West Africa regional mandate

PLEASE NOTE: Candidates must already be in one of the assignment countries (Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ghana or Benin) at the time of applying. Please review the requirements before applying

City of assignment: to be determined (in Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ghana or Benin)

Through its mission, Oxfam is committed to promoting the well-being of children, young people, women and men. Oxfam has a zero tolerance policy against any behavior that violates its code of conduct, including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, as well as lack of integrity, corruption and fraud.

To do this, Oxfam will make sure to recruit people who demonstrate the same values ​​and expect everyone already working in the organization to share and embody this commitment.


Oxfam-Quebec implements its voluntary cooperation program (VCP) entitled “Equality in action” in close collaboration with Oxfam teams in the countries of intervention. This program will run over a seven-year period (2020-2027) in thirteen countries and three regions.

The PCV aims to increase the performance of local partner organizations in developing countries in the implementation of inclusive, innovative and sustainable development initiatives that will advance gender equality in the 13 countries. Oxfam’s role is to support civil society organizations (CSOs) working with the most vulnerable and marginalized people to claim and exercise their rights. Oxfam puts the rights of women / girls at the heart of everything it does. The knowledge, capacities and expertise of qualified volunteers will be leveraged through short and long term mandates with local partner organizations.

The PCV will be articulated within Oxfam’s Country Strategy while ensuring compliance with Oxfam-Quebec’s contractual agreements with its donors.


In close collaboration with members of the Oxfam team in the region, the volunteer cooperating person will be responsible for:

  • Contribute to the strategic and operational support of Oxfam’s programs and projects in West Africa in the use of digital technology (ICT) for program execution;
  • Contribute to the development or adaptation of an approach or a toolbox for the systematic integration of digital technology (ICT) in the design of programs / projects;
  • Support the design and fundraising for new digital programs and projects in countries in West Africa.
  • Faciliter les sessions d’apprentissage collaboratives sur la numérisation des programmes et appuyer la mise en place d’un groupe de travail régional ou un comité de pilotage sur le numérique dans la programmation ;
  • Contribuer au développement ou à l’adaptation des formations existantes pour les outils TIC inter-programmes, tels que SurveyCTO, Power BI, SmartSheet, etc.
  • Travailler en étroite collaboration avec le responsable régional du suivi, l’évaluation et la gestion des connaissances pour développer les approches d’Oxfam à l’utilisation du numérique pour la responsabilité sociale, la transparence et les initiatives liées au changement.
  • Identifier de manière proactive, par l’engagement avec les pairs et la communauté de pratique plus large du numérique dans la programmation au sein de la confédération Oxfam, les solutions, processus et méthodologies nouveaux et émergents.
  • Contribuer au renforcement des capacités, au coaching et au mentorat des équipes nationales en matière d’intégration et de digitalisation dans les programmes.
  • Partager et incarner l’engagement d’Oxfam dans une politique de tolérance zéro pour tout comportement contraire au code de conduite, y compris le harcèlement, l’exploitation et les abus sexuels, l’intimidation, le manque d’intégrité, la corruption et la fraude.
  • Participer aux efforts de développement au Canada pendant et après le mandat en contribuant à la diffusion du programme, des projets, des partenaires, etc. à travers des témoignages, des histoires de vie, des photos, des citations, etc.


  • * Être domicilié au Bénin, Burkina Faso, Ghana ou Sénégal et avoir :
    • la citoyenneté canadienne ou le statut de résident permanent au Canada
    • ou la citoyenneté d’un pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest autre que le pays où la personne est domiciliée.
    • Baccalauréat en technologie, en sciences sociales, en développement international ou dans un domaine pertinent. Une expérience pratique pertinente équivalente peut être considérée comme un substitut.
    • Au moins deux ans d’expérience professionnelle dans le domaine du soutien aux programmes, de la gestion de projets, de l’élaboration de stratégies et/ou d’initiatives liées aux TIC-D.
    • Formation en ICT4D, avec une expérience pratique dans la sélection et le déploiement de technologies numériques (y compris la collecte de données numériques, les services financiers numériques, l’analyse de données, etc.) pour soutenir les objectifs programmatiques de développement ou humanitaires.
    • Expérience dans le développement et/ou l’animation de formations d’utilisateurs sur les technologies numériques ;
    • Expérience dans l’élaboration de propositions de collecte de fonds et de budgets pour des programmes/projets numériques.
    • Familiarité avec les questions de développement international, l’agriculture, l’autonomisation des femmes.
    • Expérience du travail de façon autonome et en tant que membre d’une équipe mondialement diversifiée et distribuée.
    • Capacité à travailler dans un environnement multiculturel.
    • Maîtrise de la suite Office.
    • Excellente maîtrise de l’anglais et du français à l’oral et à l’écrit.
    • Expérience dans le développement international (un atout)
    • Adhésion à la mission et aux valeurs d’Oxfam, notamment la promotion de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes.


  • Allocations de subsistance et de logement
  • Assurance médicale et assurance-vie
  • Programme de soutien aux volontaires
  • Jours de repos (20 jours de repos/an pour les mandats de 12 mois et plus)
  • Billet d’avion de retour au pays à la fin du mandat
  • Accès à diverses formations

**English version

Digital in Programming – West Africa – 12 Months Full Time Volunteer Cooperation Regional Mandate with Allowances and Benefits

ATTENTION: Because of international travel restrictions you must be living in the one of the countries of assignment (in Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ghana, or Benin) at the time of your application. Please see requirements before applying.

Through its mission, Oxfam is committed to promote the well-being of children, youth, women and men.

Oxfam has a zero-tolerance policy towards any behavior that violates its code of conduct, including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, as well as lack of integrity, corruption and fraud.

To do so, Oxfam will ensure to recruit candidates who demonstrate the same values as the organisation and expects that everyone already working in the organisation shares and embody this commitment already.


Oxfam-Quebec is implementing its volunteer cooperation program (VCP) entitled « Equality in Action » working in close collaboration with Oxfam teams in the countries of intervention. This program will take place over a period of seven years (2020-2027) in thirteen countries and three regions.

The VCP aims to increase the performance of local partner organizations in developing countries in implementing inclusive, innovative, and sustainable development initiatives that will advance gender equality in the 13 countries. Oxfam’s role is to support civil society organizations (CSOs) working with the most vulnerable and marginalized people to claim and exercise their rights. Oxfam puts women’s/girls’ rights at the heart of everything it does. The knowledge, capacity and expertise of the qualified volunteers will be leveraged through short and long-term assignments with local partner organizations.

The VCP will be articulated within Oxfam’s Country Strategy while ensuring compliance with Oxfam-Québec’s contractual agreements with its donors.


In close collaboration with the Oxfam team members in theregion, the volunteer cooperant will:

  • Contribute to strategic and operational support to Oxfam in WAF programs and projects in the use of digital (ICT) for program delivery;
  • Contribute to developing or adapting a framework or toolkit for systematic integration of digital (ICT) in Program/Project Design;
  • Support the design and fundraising for new disruptive digital programs and projects in countries within West Africa region;
  • Facilitate collaborative learning session on programs digitalisation and set up a regional working group or steering committee on digital in programming to harmonize perspectives and scale up practices;
  • Contribute to developing or adapting existing trainings for cross-program ICT tools, such as SurveyCTO, Power BI, SmartSheet, etc.
  • Work closely with the Regional PQ & Knowledge Lead in supporting data-driven decision-making and building Oxfam’s portfolio of approaches for using digital for social accountability, transparency, and change-related initiatives.
  • Proactively identify, through engagement with peers and the wider digital in programming community of practice within the Oxfam, new and emerging solutions, processes and methodologies.
  • Contribute to capacity building, coaching and mentoring of country teams on integration and digitalization in programs.
  • Share and embody Oxfam’s commitment to a zero-tolerance policy for any behaviour that violates the code of conduct, including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, intimidation, lack of integrity, corruption and fraud.
  • Participate in development efforts in Canada during and after the mandate by contributing to the dissemination of the program, projects, partners, etc. through testimonials, life stories, photos, quotes, etc.


  • Be domiciled in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana or Senegal and have:
    • Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status in Canada
    • or citizenship of a West African country other than the country where the person is domiciled.
  • Bachelor’s degree in technology, social sciences, international development, or a related field. Equivalent relevant practical experience may be seen as a substitute.
  • At least five years of work experience in program support, project management, strategy development, and/or ICT4D-related initiatives.
  • Background in ICT4D, with practical experience in the selection and deployment of digital technologies (including digital data collection, digital financial services, data analytics, etc.) to support development or humanitarian programmatic objectives.
  • Experience developing and/or leading user trainings on digital technologies; experience communicating complex ideas in a simple way to stakeholders of various levels of digital literacy.
  • Experience developing fundraising proposals and budgets for Digital-enabled programs/projects.
  • Familiarity with international development issues, agriculture, women’s empowerment.
  • Experience of working independently and as part of globally diverse and distributed team.
  • Ability to work in multicultural environment.
  • Mastery of the Office suite.
  • Excellent verbal and written English and French ability.
  • Experience in international development (an asset).
  • Adherence to Oxfam’s mission and values, including the promotion of equality between women and men.


  • Living and housing allowances
  • Medical and life insurance
  • Volunteer Support Program
  • Days off (20 days off/year for mandates of 12 months or more)
  • Airline ticket home at the end of the mandate
  • Access to various training courses

How to apply


Nous remercions toutes les candidates et tous les candidats de leur intérêt, mais seules les personnes sélectionnées seront contactées.

Nous acceptons des candidatures en continu. Il est possible que l’affichage prenne fin avant la date affichée. SVP, n’attendez pas la date limite pour postuler.

If you are interested in the position, send your application (CV and cover letter), specifying the title of the mandate / country and your nationality in the subject line of the email to the email adress recrutementvolontaire@oxfam.qc.ca

We accept applications on a continuous basis. We thank all applicants for their interest but only those selected will be contacted.

It is also possible that the post is fulfilled before the deadline set. Therefore, please avoid waiting till the end of the post’s deadline to submit your application.

If this position is of interest to you, please send your application (CV and letter of interest) specifying the mandate / country for which you are applying in addition to your nationality to the email address recrutementvolontaire@oxfam.qc.ca

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