Mauritanie – Consultant pour évaluation finale de programme At COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale

COOPI is looking for a Consultant for final program evaluation in Mauritania

In 2019, COOPI launched its first business development project in south-eastern Mauritania, 18 km from Bassikounou, in the Hodh El Gharbi region, where the Mbera refugee camp is located. Through this project, COOPI has contributed to strengthening the economic autonomy of refugees and the host population, by offering competitive goods and services, creating sustainable jobs and improving the technical capacity of producers, through development at different levels of the value chain. The programs fall into two main sectors such as economic development and the development of rural infrastructure with an important environmental and agroforestry component. Promotion of food security, the development of sectors, the infrastructure rehabilitation, the conflict prevention and participatory planning disaster risk reduction and l ’employment are the main areas of intervention of COOPI to strengthen the resilience of local communities. The donors currently funding COOPI are the European Union, the G5 Sahel Facility, the Belgian Development Agency, the UNDP.

In Mauritania, COOPI has been implementing since July 2019, the West African Competitive Support Program ( PACAO ), whose objective is to contribute to the structural transformation of the economy by the production of competitive goods and services with higher added value, in order to ensure growth, the creation of qualified and sustainable jobs as well as the increase in exports and incomes.

Objective of the position

The objective of the position is to determine whether the intervention has been implemented in accordance with external and internal quality plans and standards, as well as’assess the extent to which the expected and unintended short and long term results have been achieved in a sustainable manner. The evaluation will also be an opportunity to reflect on the intervention, and to identify the main lessons learned in order to improve programmatic knowledge and strengthen future programming.

Objectives of the evaluation

The assessment is primarily intended to provide interested stakeholders with the following information:

  • La pertinence, l’efficacité et l’efficience de l’intervention du projet, à travers l’analyse des produits livrés et leur contribution à la réalisation des résultats concernant l’amélioration de la compétitivité et l’intégration commerciale des entreprises/coopératives et des différents acteurs bénéficiaires intervenant dans les chaines de valeur aviculture, peaux et cuir, gomme arabique;
  • La durabilité et la contribution des résultats du projet à la compétitivité des chaines de valeur aviculture, peaux et cuir, gomme arabique;
  • La perception et le degré de satisfaction des autres parties prenantes et bénéficiaires, vis-à-vis de la mise en œuvre du projet, par rapport aux résultats obtenus et aux effets induits;
  • La qualité, la cohérence, l’efficacité et l’efficience des processus de planification, d’exécution et de suivi et évaluation appliqués par le projet dans la programmation des activités des produits et des résultats du projet;
  • La pertinence, la cohérence, l’efficacité, l’efficience et la durabilité des partenariats techniques et financiers développés par le projet (sélection des partenaires et prestataires, qualité des collaborations, utilisation des contributions financières, etc.), dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du projet;
  • La pertinence, l’efficacité et l’efficience de la gestion et des investissements engagés dans le projet;
  • Les facteurs (contraintes, opportunités, menaces, etc.) qui ont influencé l’exécution des activités du projet et la livraison des produits;
  • Les enseignements de la mise en œuvre du projet et formuler des recommandations susceptibles d’aider à la conception et à l’exécution d’autres projets à venir.

Il sera également utile d’intégrer dans l’analyse le contexte lié à la pandémie de COVID-19, comment celle-ci a affecté le Programme, les adaptations mises en place et les éventuels risquent pour l’atteinte et la durabilité des résultats.

Comment postuler

La prestation devra démarrer au plus tard le 04 septembre 2023.

Les consultants intéressés doivent soumettre:

    1. Une offre technique comprenant : i), la compréhension de la mission, ii) la méthodologie utilisée;
    1. A financial offer covering all expenses related to the mission including return tickets to Mauritania.

Local travel in Mauritania will be the responsibility of the Program:

Candidate profile


  • Higher education diploma at Master, Engineer, DESS, Masters, PhD, Doctorate level, in the following fields: Agronomy, Rural Development, Economics, Trade, International Relations, Project Management or related fields;
  • At least 5 years of experience in one of the following areas:  development of value chains, competitiveness and development of agricultural sectors; environmental management, international trade and bringing industries up to environmental standards ;
  • At least 5 years of experience in evaluation of development programs , including at least 02 of a complex multi-actor program;
  • A good command of  French  , both written and spoken;
  • Good knowledge of national economic and industrial development policies;
  • A mastery of the investment code in Mauritania;
  • A good ability to present complex issues in simple, synthetic language and in an understandable and structured manner, both in writing and orally;
  • Strong communication, interpersonal and intercultural skills as well as organizational and coordination skills.


  • Knowledge of the Italian language;
  • Proficiency in local languages ​​is an asset;
  • Previous collaborations with COOPI.

COOPI reserves the right to close a recruitment before the expiry date of the announcement. Thank you for your understanding.

COOPI is an Italian, independent and secular non-governmental organization, founded in Milan in 1965. For more than 50 years, COOPI has been committed to the fight against poverty with long-term support and a constant presence on the ground alongside the populations. affected by war, socio-economic crises and natural disasters. COOPI’s activities aim to encourage development and respond to emergency situations. In Africa, Latin America and the Middle East COOPI promotes access to water, as well as the right to health and education for the poorest communities.


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