REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS- FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT Provision Of Learning Management Support Services and Set Up Of Dedicated Gender And Gender-Based Violence At Action Against Hunger Canada



Founded in 1979, Action Against Hunger (ACF) is a global humanitarian organization that takes decisive action against the causes and effects of hunger.
Our mission is to save the lives of severely malnourished children while helping communities become self-sufficient. Recognized as a world leader in the fight against malnutrition, Action Against Hunger has pursued its vision of a world without hunger for almost four decades, combating hunger in emergency situations of conflict, natural disaster, and chronic food insecurity. With more than 8,000 staff in nearly 50 countries, our programs in nutrition, food security, livelihoods, water, sanitation, and hygiene reach more than 20 million people each year.

Action Against Hunger Canada’s Gender Equality (GE) and Gender Based Violence (GBV) virtual training package entails a strategically designed curriculum with learning and capacity progressively built from one training to the next. This virtual curriculum was designed to encourage ACF Network learners to enroll for trainings in a pre-determined order to ensure the full benefits of the progressive learning and capacity building experience. The curriculum comprises seven (7) GE/GBV training courses translated into French and Spanish. Including the translated versions, the curriculum comprises 21 training courses.

  1. Gender & Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Core Concepts -An e-Learning Course.
  2. Gender & Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Core Concepts- A Live-Facilitated Course.
  3. Integrating Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Promotion into our Multi-Sectoral Action Against Hunger Programming-A Live-Facilitated Course.
  4. GBV Risk Mitigation – A Live-Facilitated Course.
  5. Gender & GBV Mainstreaming in the Project Management Cycle – A Live-Facilitated Course.
  6. Handling GBV Disclosures & Providing PFA to GBV Survivors- An e-Learning Course.
  7. Handling GBV Disclosures & Providing PFA to GBV Survivors- A Live Facilitated Course.

The virtual curriculum is offered to learners through a blended learning methodology comprised of e-learning and live-facilitated training courses. Learners are typically engaged in self-paced, interactive, self-reflection learning, as well as hands-on, practical learning live-facilitated online sessions during which they learn from, share with, and impart on facilitators and each other.

The above virtual gender training package will be made available to learners through a learning management online platform (LMS). The target audience for this LMS will be Action Against Hunger Network staff and Associated Personnel.

Following an independent review of Action Against Hunger Canada’s introductory level Gender Equality (GE) and Gender-based Violence (GBV) training curriculum, the organization has gained valuable learnings and recommendations. Action Against Hunger Canada aims to scale up the design and delivery of its Gender trainings and is looking for service providers that will be responsible for supporting our organization’s learning and development goals through the provision of high-quality learning design, learning delivery, technical support, and hosting of virtual learning services.
SERVICE DESCRIPTION Service providers may provide full or partial proposals for the services indicated below:

Learning Design
Review and consolidate existing curricula (minus the E-learning courses) by building on the learnings and recommendations of the independent After-Action Review conducted:

• Add key ‘micro-learning’ modules to the learning package.
• Consider establishing ‘clinics’ to address previously identified and/or new GE/GBV issues/skills to respond to interest in discussing a particular issue or challenge that learners/practitioners are experiencing.
• Consider a distinction training roadmap between two sets of learners: learners who need to acquire or upgrade their skills on a specific theme as a requirement of their role in the organisation and learners who want to study the topics in a group over a longer period of time, dividing the course modules and materials to provide a structured learning pathway over several weeks.
• Provision of guidance on how to ensure overall scale-up and sustainability of the GE/GBV virtual training package. For example, how to build continuous learning/sustained and robust follow-up learning and technical support into the curricula design or how to best ensure replicability of the training design by other Action Against Hunger Network Gender & Protection Advisors.

Support GE/GBV Learning Needs Analysis (LNA) Activities:

  • Provide inputs on overall design of the virtual English-language focus group/workshop (hybrid) to be conducted with country-level gender Focal Points (areas of inquiry & questions to ask).\
  • Complete analysis and interpretation of data gathered during the virtual EN-language focus group/workshop session.
  • Draft brief and simple findings report to share with ACF Canada on the ways in which the data collected during the focus group/workshop should/can inform the LNA survey questions and areas of further inquiry.
  • Co-draft LNA survey informed by findings report from EN & FR language focus group/workshops conducted.
  • Compile LNA results, analyze and interpret them into a brief report to submit to ACF Canada.
  • Provide recommendations and guidance (as listed above) to ACF Canada regarding the gender capacity building plan that it should offer; should be informed by results gained from activities above & more: Type/structure/number/process of trainings & training plan for 2025.
  • Provide design inputs into the development of potentially new virtual training curricula that would need to be created by ACF Canada.
  • Ensure all designed curriculums are uploaded & curated unto the LMS platform, tested, and ready to be utilized.
  • Create digitized tables that translators will require to input the translations of training courses into, for vendor’s convenience.
  • Upload curriculum translations unto vendor’s LMS platform.

Design support will include instructional design elements for the various trainings as well as actual technical build that may include graphic animations, explainer videos, and other visual and communication outputs to enhance the learner experience. Each live-facilitated training was previously facilitated in 4 virtual sessions of 3hrs each, with learners required to complete an additional 3hrs on the previous LMS to review material and complete assignments.
Instructions and additional information for vendors: Please provide a description of the various design services you offer and the associated rates.

Hosting of Virtual Learning:

  • Standard requirements e.g. custom user types, bulk actions, course builders, catalog, categories, custom branding + domain + ssl options, assessments, SCROM compliance, analytics and reporting capabilities etc.
  • User-friendly LMS interfaces.
  • Customizable and scalable LMS depending on ACF Canada needs.
  • Hosting of all virtual trainings on the vendor’s Learning Management System and provision of the relevant administrative support to ACF Canada facilitators and our training participants utilizing the system.
  • Development and design of an ACF Canada landing page on the vendor’s Learning Management System following ACF branding guidelines. LMS platform and landing page will be used as the access point for both learners and ACF training facilitators.
  • Action Against Hunger Canada will manage internally participant selection for the gender training package. Once registration for a gender course is confirmed to a participant by Action Against Hunger Canada, key data concerning this confirmed participant will be shared with vendor to facilitate the systematic generation of a username and password for this participant. Vendor will thus be responsible for registering course participants approved by ACF Canada unto vendor’s LMS platform for curricula facilitation and delivery.

Instructions and additional information for vendors: Please provide a description of your LMS (main features) as well as a description of the type of administrative support that you offer.

SELECTION CRITERION Action Against Hunger Canada will review submitted proposals for completeness and qualifications. Selection for a contract award will be made based on the following criteria:

  • Range of services offered.
  • Value for money
  • Good customer support
  • Years of experience and expertise in virtual learning and management support.
  • Familiarity and experience with managing and supporting GE & GBV learning curricula.
  • Familiarity with the humanitarian contexts in which ACF operates and the various connectivity constraints and challenges that can occur.
  • Knowledge of French and Spanish are considered an asset.


    This position is home-based.

    Framework Agreement with Action Against Hunger Canada, starting June 2024 ending December 31, 2026.

How to apply

Proposals responding to this RFP should include:

  • Updated CV.
  • Cover letter.
  • Detailed proposal of partial or complete services your company can offer, including learning design services, hosting of virtual learning, LMS features and admin support.
  • Demonstrated experience in conducting similar work.
  • Three references for which you have conducted similar work.
  • Detailed rates per service or a daily professional rate alongside and estimated number of days per each service. Please provide your quotations in Canadian Dollars (CAD).

    Submit the proposal by June 2nd, 2024, at 23:59 PM (GMT-5) to

    Please highlight “Virtual Learning & Management Support” in the subject heading.

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