COOPERMONDO – Consulente valutazione intermedia dimbia Coopermondo – Associazione per la Cooperazione Internazionale allo Sviluppo sta Progetto – Colo At COOPERMONDO

Application deadline 10/04/2024 Intermediate evaluation consultant – Colombia

Contract type: collaboration/consultancy

Duration of assignment: 2 months

Start of collaboration: short term

*(Coopermondo reserves the right to close the selection process as soon as the person deemed suitable is identified)

Financial offer: 10,000 Euros – Consultancy (complete remuneration package)

Coopermondo Association for International Development Cooperation-ETS is selecting a Consultant for the external and intermediate evaluation of the COLORES project financed by AICS.

CoLoRes Project: Resilient Local Communities. Women and young people build sustainable and solidarity-based economies to support the peace process in Colombia. (AICS AID 012590/0474)

Project data:

OG: The local, Afro, indigenous and peasant communities of the Colombian Amazon (Putumayo Department) improve their living and working conditions, their resilience to climate change and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, in a context of support to the peace process, protection of biodiversity and gender equity.

Duration: 36 months

Place of realization: Putumayo Region, Colombia Budget: €2,052,532.50

Funder: AICS, Italian Agency for Development Cooperation

Project partners:

COSPE – Cooperation for the Development of Emerging Countries SENA – Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje

CONFECOOP – Confederación de Cooperativas de Colombia

CORPOAMAZONIA – Confederación para el Desarrollo Sustainable del Sur de la Amazonía Alianza de Mujeres Tejedoras de Vida del Putumayo

Project summary:

The main aim of the project is to support the communities of the Putumayo region, particularly affected by the internal armed conflict and in complex and fragile socio-economic conditions, so that they can improve their living and working conditions, their resilience

to climate change and the effects of the pandemic in a context of support for the peace process and the protection of Amazon biodiversity.

To do this, 7 agro-forestry chains are promoted (asai, chontaduro, sacha inchi, coffee, cocoa, sugar cane, ecotourism/crafts), linked to Amazonian biodiversity, which favor practices of adaptation to climate change and at the same time generate a increase in profits and new jobs, in associative and inclusive businesses, recognizing the central role of women and young people.

The initiative is developed along three axes:

  • STRENGTHENING THE COOPERATIVE MODEL: Increase in the organizational and productive capacity of initiatives linked to groups of young people and women, becoming more efficient and inclusive while respecting the gender and cultural diversity characteristic of the area.
  • SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION PROCESSES: Implementation of more sustainable and innovative local production processes that reflect and respect Amazonian biodiversity, enhance traditional local knowledge and are capable of creating sustainable ways for the development of Amazonian biodiversity products.
  • CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: Greater incidence and protagonism of the communities involved in the territorial processes of adaptation to climate change


The Interim Evaluation will examine the progress of the first part of the Initiative, with the main aim of providing useful indications to improve its implementation in the time remaining until its completion and to consolidate the RBM approach; will focus on verifying the progress of the activities in relation to the expected results, on the veracity of the measurability of the current value of the Indicators, on the control and evaluation of the verification sources proposed in the DUP, on the validity of the partnership network and the project management structure , guaranteeing the real traceability and measurability of the indicators.

The evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) principles: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability:

Evaluate progress: Measure how much the project has achieved the intermediate objectives set out in its operational plan and the progress of the project indicators.

Relevance: to what extent do the project objectives correspond to the needs of the target groups and the priorities of national policies and the AICS funder? Are the activities carried out by the project consistent with other interventions present in the local context?

Verify effectiveness: Determine whether project activities and approaches are producing the expected results and contributing to the final objectives.

Impact: What is the overall impact of the project on communities? Has the project produced a change in behavior towards sustainable agriculture?

Identificare le sfide e le opportunità: Rilevare le sfide e gli ostacoli incontrati durante l’implementazione del progetto e cercare opportunità per affrontarli in modo più efficace.

Sostenibilità: quali sono i principali fattori che determinano la sostenibilità del progetto? In che misura i risultati del progetto possono essere considerati sostenibili?

Raccogliere feedback degli stakeholder: Coinvolgere gli stakeholder chiave, compresi i beneficiari e i partner

locali, per raccogliere il loro feedback e le loro opinioni sulla realizzazione del progetto. Migliorare la gestione: Identificare eventuali lacune nella gestione del progetto e nelle risorse impiegate e apportare miglioramenti in base alle lezioni apprese.

Valutare l’appropriatezza delle strategie: Esaminare se le strategie e le metodologie utilizzate per implementare il progetto siano adeguate alle condizioni locali e alle esigenze dei beneficiari. Ottimizzare l’utilizzo delle risorse: Valutare se il progetto stia utilizzando in modo efficiente le risorse finanziarie, umane e materiali a sua disposizione.

Comunicare i risultati: Fornire un resoconto trasparente dei progressi e dei risultati intermedi alle parti interessate, compresi i finanziatori, per garantire la responsabilità e la trasparenza.

Pianificare azioni correttive: Identificare le azioni correttive necessarie per affrontare le sfide o per migliorare il progetto nella sua seconda metà.

Orientare la fase successiva: Utilizzare i risultati della valutazione intermedia per orientare la fase successiva del progetto, adattando le strategie e le attività in base alle lezioni apprese.

Sostenere l’apprendimento continuo: Promuovere un approccio di apprendimento continuo, in modo che il progetto possa adattarsi alle mutevoli condizioni e alle esigenze delle comunità beneficiarie.

Assicurare l’impatto positivo: Verificare che il progetto stia contribuendo al miglioramento delle condizioni di vita delle comunità target e l’efficace raggiungimento degli obiettivi di sviluppo.


La valutazione si articolerà in 4 fasi:

  1. Analisi documentale
  2. Visita sul terreno dove è stato implementato il progetto
  3. Interviste e focus group con personale degli enti e delle istituzioni partner di progetto, delle strutture coinvolte, beneficiari, famiglie di beneficiari.
  4. Redazione del rapporto di valutazione

Il program manager e l’equipe di progetto saranno a disposizione per accompagnare sul terreno la missione di valutazione e per riunioni e scambi operativi durante la visita.


Allegati alla firma del contratto:

  1. Testo di progetto
  2. Rapporto prima annualità di progetto
  3. Rendiconto finanziario prima annualità
  4. Rendiconto finanziario seconda annualità
  5. Rapporti interni di attività
  6. Matrice di monitoraggio interno


La/le persona/e selezionata/e dovrà/dovranno fornire:

Gli strumenti di raccolta dati da validare a livello di progetto interno;

1 provisional final evaluation report written in Italian, to be delivered within fifteen days of the conclusion of the evaluation.

1 final report with the integration of the project partners’ comments in Italian, to be delivered within one month of the conclusion of the evaluation.


The final evaluation must be carried out in the period April 2024 – May 2024. The timing has a slight degree of flexibility to be agreed in advance with Coopermondo and the project partners.


  • Level of education corresponding to a bachelor’s or master’s degree in project management, social and/or political sciences or equivalent;
  • 4 years of experience in the case of a master’s degree or 6 years of experience in the case of a three-year degree in the field of management and/or evaluation of projects and programs in the urban development sector;
  • Proven advanced knowledge of using digital data collection tools and core IT packages, including Microsoft Office 365;
  • experience of at least 10 years in the evaluation of international cooperation projects and preferable demonstrable experience in the evaluation of projects financed by AICS with an RBM approach
  • absence (currently and in the three-year period preceding the submission of the proposal) of stable collaborations with the Implementing Party,
  • guarantee that no more than three evaluations of projects co-financed by AICS are underway at the same time with the Executing Party, issuing a specific declaration in lieu of an affidavit.
  • Perfect written and spoken command of Italian and Spanish (C1);
  • Immediate availability;
  • Experience working in the districts where the project operates is an advantage;


On the basis of these terms of reference, you are asked to submit an evaluation proposal containing:

  1. The objectives of the intermediate evaluation, the formulation of at least 3 key questions (by way of example) that the evaluation will have to answer which are obtained from the first documentary analysis (max 2 pages)
  2. The tools that will be used to collect information (a simple example of an interview, questionnaire, focus group for one of the categories of people to be met on site) (max 3 pages)
  3. Brief summary of evaluations previously carried out by the consultant in the socio-economic field (at least 1 evaluation) omitting project data if necessary.
  4. Curriculum of the evaluator(s) with signed authorization to process personal data to: with subject: “COL_Interim evaluation 2024” . Only candidates deemed suitable will be contacted for an interview.

The selection respects the principle of equal opportunities (L. 903/77).

How to apply


On the basis of these terms of reference, you are asked to submit an evaluation proposal containing:

  1. The objectives of the intermediate evaluation, the formulation of at least 3 key questions (by way of example) that the evaluation will have to answer which are obtained from the first documentary analysis (max 2 pages)
  2. The tools that will be used to collect information (a simple example of an interview, questionnaire, focus group for one of the categories of people to be met on site) (max 3 pages)
  3. Brief summary of evaluations previously carried out by the consultant in the socio-economic field (at least 1 evaluation) omitting project data if necessary.
  4. Curriculum of the evaluator(s) with signed authorization to process personal data to: with subject: “COL_Interim evaluation 2024” . Only candidates deemed suitable will be contacted for an interview.

The selection respects the principle of equal opportunities (L. 903/77).

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