Final Evaluation of the EQUAL VOICES project At CFI

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The services entrusted to the service provider will be the realization of the final evaluation of the project “A voix Egales” in its two countries of implementation, namely Ivory Coast and Ghana. This final evaluation will cover the entire period of execution of the Project.

Thus, the final assessment should allow:

  1. To provide a critical and objective analysis of the design of the Project, its objectives, the planned and deployed activities, as well as its implementation throughout its execution period;
  2. To evaluate the Project through the CAD criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, effects, impact and sustainability, by developing a list of relevant evaluation questions corresponding to the evaluation issues presented in Annex 1 and responding to them ;
  3. To measure the level of achievement of the general and specific objectives initially set;
  4. To evaluate the results obtained in the short and medium term of the Project and on the different typologies of direct beneficiaries, namely the media, journalists and socio-professional organizations and public institutions;
  5. To evaluate, as far as possible, the results of the Project obtained in the short and medium term, in particular through the productions made by the media and journalists and the measures taken by socio-professional organizations and public institutions, on a sample of the final beneficiaries of the media supported by the Project;
  6. To draw lessons and propose strategic and operational recommendations to CFI (in particular in terms of objectives, operating methods and fields of intervention) with a view to capitalizing on good practices for future media support projects designed with a gender marker 2, on the theme of gender integration and the promotion of equality between women and men. In addition, this evaluation should make it possible to feed into CFI’s new gender strategy on the basis of its concrete lessons, in particular in terms of methodology, based on the effects and impacts observed by the service provider on the direct and final beneficiaries.

How to apply


1.1. Content of the proposals

Any incomplete proposal will be rejected by CFI without the candidate company having the opportunity to complete it.

Each candidate company must produce a complete proposal including all the documents and information listed below, otherwise it will be eliminated by CFI:

  1. A technical proposal (twenty (20) pages maximum, recto A4 excluding annexes) describing the proposed methodology for conducting the services, in particular with regard to the team’s own experience or the person dedicated to the contract within the candidate company (details of experiences related to the contract). The candidate company will set out its understanding of the expected evaluation. It will describe its approach to the evaluation of media development projects in West Africa, particularly in the two (2) countries concerned by the project, through capacity building for journalists and media managers and representatives of socio-professional organizations and public institutions, in particular on the themes of combating gender stereotypes and equality between women and men in the media.

It will propose an evaluation matrix as well as a list of evaluation questions which will develop the issues presented in Appendix 1, and will give precise indications on the proposed methodologies (types of surveys, stakeholders interviewed, etc.).

The candidate company will also present a provisional timetable for the evaluation and indicate its availability for the period covering the evaluation until the submission and presentation of its final report.

The distribution of expert days by phase of the evaluation and by team member will be indicated. The names of the experts and their specific functions within the framework of this evaluation will be specified. A summary table will compare the name(s) of the expert(s), the main work to be carried out and the corresponding number of expert days. The total number of expert days planned will also be taken into account;

The participation of women in the proposed team as well as the use of consultants based in each of the two countries are strongly encouraged.

The team should be bilingual French/English.

2. The CV of each member of his team in charge of the execution of the services within the candidate company, the references of each member must be detailed in terms of evaluation of similar projects, in particular on the themes of the fight against gender stereotypes and equality between women and men in West Africa. Female applications are strongly encouraged;

3. A financial proposal , presenting the overall and fixed price excluding tax (HT). This amount has contractual value.

All of these documents must be drawn up in French or English by the candidate company, otherwise its proposal will be eliminated by CFI.

1.2. Conditions for sending proposals

The candidate company must submit its proposal to the following email addresses:, copy: before Monday, February 17, 2025 at 1 p.m., Paris time .

Only proposals received no later than the deadline date and time mentioned on the cover page of this Call for Quotations will be considered. Proposals received or submitted after these dates and times will not be considered.

Once selected, the service provider must provide CFI with additional documents [1] .

1.3. Period of validity of proposals

The period of validity of the proposals is set at sixty (60) calendar days from the deadline for submission of offers.

By responding to this Call for Quotations, the candidate company has unreservedly accepted the conditions. Its application and its offer bind it for the entire duration provided for in this article.

The candidate company cannot withdraw before the expiry of this period.

[1] Once selected, the Service Provider must provide CFI with all of the documents mentioned in the award letter:

For companies domiciled in France:

– A certificate of tax regularity or equivalent, dated less than six months ago, attesting to the filing of declarations and payments corresponding to income tax, corporate tax and value added tax. This certificate is issued by the tax administration to which the applicant belongs;

– A certificate of social regularity or equivalent, dated less than six months ago, certifying that the candidate company is up to date with its social declarations and the payment of social security contributions and fees (in France, this certificate is issued online on the Urssaf website);

– Official document from the bank mentioning the account holder, the IBAN and the BIC code of the account.

For companies domiciled outside France:

– A document from the authorities holding the professional register or an equivalent document certifying this registration or a document mentioning his name, company name, full address and the nature of the registration in the professional register;

– Official document from the bank mentioning the account holder, the IBAN and the BIC code of the account

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