VN 2024/001 SV Asistente Senior de Programa G6 – OYFT – Comunicaciones At International Organization for Migration

Vacancy Notice

Abierto a Candidatos Internos y externos

Título de la Posición: Asistente Senior de Programa

Lugar de Trabajo: San Salvador, El Salvador

Clasificación: General Service, G6

Tipo de contrato: Contratopor plazo por un año con posibilidades de extensión

Fecha estimada de inicio: Lo antes posible

Fecha de cierre: 9 de enero de 2024

Código de referencia: VN 2024/001 SV

Establecida en 1951, la OIM es una Organización Relacionada de las Naciones Unidas y, como agencia líder de las Naciones Unidas en el campo de la migración, trabaja en estrecha colaboración con socios gubernamentales, intergubernamentales y no gubernamentales. La OIM se dedica a promover la migración humana y ordenada para el beneficio de todos. Lo hace brindando servicios y asesoría a gobiernos y migrantes.


Bajo la supervisión directa del Asistente senior de comunicaciones y medios y bajo la supervisión general del Jefe de Misión, en estrecha coordinación con los Coordinadores de Proyecto, el candidato(a) seleccionado(a), será responsable de asistir en la ejecución de las siguientes funciones:

Funciones y Responsabilidades:

  • Coordinar la respuesta técnica del área de diseño ante las solicitudes de materiales informativos como infosheets, plantillas, productos para campañas digitales, audiovisuales y páginas web, de acorde a las necesidades identificadas por el programa.
  • Ser la persona encargada de la conceptualización, diseño y diagramación de lineamientos visuales de los programas que requieran una identidad visual única o que esté basada en el Manual de Estilo de la OIM.
  • Gestionar los recursos en la unidad para la coordinación de eventos, ferias, activaciones y otras actividades que ameriten el apoyo de la Unidad de Comunicaciones.
  • Coordinar el proceso de creación de contenido para campañas en medios digitales y medios convencionales en coordinación con los jefes de Prensa y Coordinadores de programas.
  • Supervise the quality of the final products agreed upon with suppliers (creative agencies, audiovisual production companies, printing houses), to manage approvals that respect the guidelines of the Organization and donors.
  • Provide to the Communications and Media Unit, in the conceptualization of design, audiovisual and communication products.
  • Assist in the planning, coordination, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the communication activities of the projects, in accordance with the work plan and established lines of action.
  • Support in the writing, development and presentation of periodic reports on the impact of communication campaigns (weekly, monthly, interim reports to IOM/donor), terms of reference and other documents related to communication activities. Ensure that reports and their corresponding annexes are up to date and verify the data contained in the documents before sharing external information.
  • Provide administrative and logistical support including purchase requests and other information in processes relevant to the communications area to determine specific actions in work plans.
  • Perform other duties as may be assigned from time to time and that are commensurate with the position.

Required Experience and Qualifications


  • Bachelor’s degree in graphic design, communications, international relations or related fields.


  • 3 years of proven experience in graphic design.
  • Experience in event organization, administrative and logistical assistance.
  • Professional experience in audiovisual production.
  • Experience in humanitarian work.


  • Must have strong analytical, planning and people management skills.
  • Must have excellent design and communication skills.
  • Ability to work effectively and harmoniously with colleagues from diverse cultures and professional backgrounds.
  • Personal commitment, creative thinking, determination, efficiency, flexibility, desire for results, respect for diversity
  • Ability to prepare clear and concise reports.
  • Complete command of Mac OSX and Windows Office operating systems.
  • Intermediate mastery of office software, design and video production.


  • Spanish (Fluent spoken and written)
  • English (Fluent spoken and written)

Required Competencies

The holder is expected to manifest the following values ​​and competencies:


  • Inclusion and respect for diversity: Respect and promote individual and cultural differences. Support diversity and inclusion where possible.
  • Integrity and Transparency: Maintains high ethical standards and acts consistently with organizational principles, rules, and conduct guidelines.
  • Professionalism: Demonstrates ability to work in a composed, competent and committed manner, showing good judgment when facing daily challenges.

Core Competencies – Level 1

  • Teamwork: Develops and promotes effective collaboration within your unit and in conjunction with others to achieve common goals and optimize results.
  • Production of results: Produce and deliver results on time and with a service orientation. It is given to action committed to achieving the agreed results.
  • Management and distribution of knowledge: Continuously seeks to learn, share knowledge and innovate.
  • Responsibility: Takes upon himself to comply with the Organization’s priorities and assumes responsibility for his actions and the work delegated to him.
  • Communication: Encourages and contributes to open and clear communication. Explains complex issues in an informative, inspiring and motivating way.

How to apply


Any offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to confirmation of funds.

The appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit to work, has the required work and residence permits and security clearances.How to apply:

Internal candidates who meet the required qualifications must submit the Internal Application form, and a letter of interest to: iomsalhr@iom.intindicating the reference number of the vacancy and the title of the position. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Deadline to apply for this vacancy is January 9, 2024.

External candidates who meet the required qualifications must submit their CV (maximum 2 pages), and a letter of interest to: iomsalhr@iom.intJanuary 9, 2024. indicating the vacancy reference number and the position title. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Deadline to apply for this vacancy is 

For more information, please refer to

  • To consider the candidacy valid, IOM only accepts documentation that meets the required and complete profile (Resume and motivation letter).
  • Applications received at a later date or that do not specify the name of the call will not be considered.
  • Only candidates who meet the required profile will be contacted. The attachment must not be larger than 2MB.
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